Dark Puck - June 14th, 2009 [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]

June 14th, 2009

June 14th, 2009
02:00 pm
[User Picture]


More Lightning at Sea Things!
Y'all probably remember that last video I posted, the fake trailer for my friend and I's AU with the evil Water Tribe. That trailer has been taken down because I made a couple tweaks and reposted it. The new link is here; the largest change involves the music. I think this new one works better.

I've also created a kind of teaser trailer, which probably should have come first, but whatever. Like all teasers, it is a lying liar who lies like Azula, but it's still fun. It's likely that some of the scenes in this particular trailer will not appear in the story itself, but it was still fun to do, which is really the whole point of the exercise, non?

Avatar: The Last Airbender - Viacom
Lesser Evil - X-Ray Dog

Also added to the story is Volcano (LiveJournal | FF.Net). Summary: Due to increased danger from the Water Tribes, Prince Zuko is taken to be hand-fasted to his arranged wife.

I hope you enjoy!

Current Location: my dad's chair
Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: Overwhelming Force - X-Ray Dog
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