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50 Sentences
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Bex's Evil Water Tribe AU.
Theme Set:
1Fandom's First Set
R for softcore sex
Most of these are not going to be canon. They are potentialities only, done to explain things that could happen within this universe to a certain character. Also, in this universe, the Firelord is Iroh and the Dragon of the West is Ozai.
Promiscuity, M/F, F/F, and M/F/M.
021.WeepThe little girl holds tight to her father's body, sobbing into his chest and ignoring the warm blood staining her clothing, the melting ice between them, and the agony in her right leg.
006.TenseWeather-roughened fingers trace gently over the blackened, lattice-like scars that twine up her right leg; it takes all of Song's self-control not to shudder under the Southern Water Chief's touch.
025.HardHis body is hard but his touch is soft; Song is more afraid of Chief Hakoda than she is of any waterbender but the things he does to her drive her wilder than she has ever been.
023.PactShe will never tremble before a waterbender again.
002.BrokenNobody knows why the pretty doctor hasn't shattered between the trauma of her childhood and the Water Tribesmen she takes to her bed; nobody knows that the pretty doctor holds herself together by keeping them all as safe as she can.
044.Low"How can she hold her head so high?" the people ask in Song's wake; "She takes the enemy to her bed!" they disapprove; and not one of them realise that she gives of her charms so freely to protect their daughters.
033.Clock"The comet is coming," says Commander Zhao, his voice muffled against her bare flesh, "and when it does, this war will finally be over and we can rebuild."; Song can hear the implication – she would indeed bear strong children for the men of the Fire Nation; too bad for them that she knew the proper herbs to prevent pregnancies.
040.ClosetShe's Earth Kingdom, she may have many men but never women, because that doesn't happen in the Earth Kingdom— but if it doesn't happen, why is she writhing under the Fire Princess' hot mouth and swift caresses?
024.FlightShe has had many men and one woman, many of them with the ability to change the world, but it is the Firelord who makes her feel as though she's soaring above the clouds.
008.Why"To make sure no more children are scarred to teach a lesson to their families, to spare children the pain of watching their parents be murdered before their eyes, to prevent the innocents from being taken by the soldiers who come through, and to protect everyone who lives in my village."
026.War"But we're not Water Tribe," protests the Firelord's son, "so why would you feel you need to protect your people from us?"; Song smiles sadly and says, "Soldiers are the same, no matter what country they're from."
014.Wait"Please," says Lu Ten, catching her hand; "I didn't mean that."
035.FastThe speed of it makes Song's head spin— one moment she is standing behind the Dragon of the West, gently kneading the knots from his shoulders; the next, Ozai has her pinned to a wall, his mouth hot on hers and his arousal grinding into her hip.
049.DrinkThe kisses from the Dragon of the West are an entirely new experience; it's as though he is drinking her soul and trading it for a dose of his madness.
032.BurnThe firebender is warm, warmer than any man she has ever had, and his breath is hot against the scars on her leg, but it's the madness in his golden eyes that hold her as still as she had been with the Water Chief.
010.FallenSong is very surprised to open her door and find Prince Sokka, Master Pakku, and a third Tribesman all clad in Earth Kingdom clothes; Sokka gives her a charming grin and says, "There's monsters on our ship, can we sleep with you?" but before she can answer, both Master Pakku and the third man smack him upside the back of the head.
004.RainShe watches Prince Sokka's friend tilt his head up to the sky and wonders if she's the only one to realise that not all of the water on his face is rain.
036.ThreeHe is dark and she is fair; his eyes are blue and hers are brown; they both share the scars of a waterbender's cruelty but now, with him trailing fingers across her bare stomach and making her giggle, she can forget that which differentiates them and the tragedies of their pasts.
011.StormThe Southern Princess' eyes narrow as she looks Song up and down, taking in the pink and white hanbok, the long braid, and the Southern Prince's arm around her shoulders.
042.Fair"I could never hope to compare to you in his eyes," Song tells the Southern Princess; "You're far more beautiful than I, and the most important woman in his life."
047.UglySong rather likes how Katara is twisting and begging for more; she doesn't think she'll tell the other girl that she learned these tricks from the Fire Princess.
009.WinterThe woman's hair is as white as falling snow; her voice is as cold as the biting Northern wind as she demands to know where the Southern Prince is.
043.KnotIt's a simple thing to slice through the ropes holding Sokka; the hard part is working enough of her own ties loose so she can free the Southern Prince.
018.CellThe master waterbender gives her an arch look as she approaches him; she ignores the fear he instils in her and unlocks the door.
013.FlashRocks hold her head in place so she cannot look away; before her, a man in the forest green robes of the Dai Li calmly tells her that there is no war in Ba Sing Se while a lantern circles him.
048.LureSong is amused that her act of innocence has worked to bring out the man stalking the Avatar's friend in order to take her hostage; poor Zuko tries to assure her that he'll rescue her somehow even as her hand slips into her pocket for the drugged needles she keeps on her at all times.
022.BlindHe strikes her so hard everything goes dark briefly, but it's already too late — by the time her vision clears and her head stops ringing, the Water Tribesman has collapsed behind her; she smiles at the stunned Prince Zuko and says, "I don't need to be rescued."
045.Well"It's all right, Zuko," Song tells him with a small smile; "I don't mind if you've never done it before. Maybe I can show you how to do it right."
012.DoorShe turns and there is Long Feng, standing between her and the hallway; then stone slides behind him and they're shut in.
034.Words"The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai," Long Feng murmurs into her ear; Song allows her face to go blank and keeps her tone flat as she replies, "I am honoured to accept his invitation."
028.UnknownThe mindbending doesn't work on Song; her heart is too strong and her will is too great; Long Feng has no power over her.
003.VanishWhen Long Feng wakes up, he realises two things: the doctor must have managed to drug him at some point during their lovemaking, and that she has long since disappeared — and so have his clothes.
031.DreadThe wooden ship rolls with the waves as they grow closer to the North, closer to Arnook; Song curls tighter into the coat she was provided and hopes she hasn't made a mistake.
017.LostShe doesn't understand this place, this city of ice surrounded by water and by more ice; everything has changed and for the first time in years she feels like the frightened girl crouched by her father's body.
019.VillianArnook is a distant king who never leaves his city of ice; Hakoda is a warrior king, sweeping across the globe like a glacier; Ozai is a madman, raised as a weapon and barely under control; Long Feng is a mystery who has kept Ba Sing Se safe and controlled; and Song hates none of them so much as the man who scarred her and then killed her father.
005.OceanShe smiles softly as the black koi lips at her finger; she doesn't know why the North Pole has as miraculous a place as this small, warm oasis, but it almost makes coming here worth it.
029.DeepThe koi's eyes meet hers, and Song feels as though she is sinking, drowning in the ocean within.
001.MortalWhispers are spreading among the United Water Tribe — La, like his counterpart, has bestowed some of his life upon a mortal, and nobody can figure out who would be worthy of such a gift.
015.Shrine"You shouldn't be in here," Yue snaps at her, dragging Song's hand from the pond; the Earth girl looks at her calmly and replies, "The Water Tribes aren't the only ones who revere the ocean."
038.IronySong stares wide-eyed as a wall of water cuts in front of the fireblast, curving around her protectively before returning to the one who had saved her — Arnook.
007.Soon"When will we reach the South Pole?"; Chief Hakoda's hand slides easily through her unbound black hair as he answers her question, a smile lighting his face that makes him resemble his son all the more.
030.SuddenShe is seated on Bato's lap, her back pressed to his bare skin and her head thrown back against his shoulder while he moves inside her and Hakoda presses kisses to her throat and breasts; when they bring her to the edge and over they are pleased by her cries.
050.DustSong shakes her head as she picks up a rag; after everything, it seems almost ridiculous to return home and pick up the daily chores.
037.PlaceThe United Water Tribe says she has been touched by the Ocean Spirit and thus belongs with them; the Earth Kingdom says that she comes from their lands and only came to be with the Water Tribe through sacrificing her freedom for her home; but Lu Ten smiles at her and offers her his hand and no claim.
016.BlackLu Ten looks at Song oddly and asks, "Wasn't your hair brown?"; confused, Song pulls her braid over her shoulder and realises for the first time that the colour has changed.
039.SkySong squeaks and holds tight to Lu Ten as his dragon soars effortlessly over the waters below; she hears his delighted laugh as his arms wrap around her in turn.
020.RoadShe has gone a long way since leaving her home with the three Water Tribesman: to Ba Sing Se, the North Pole, the South Pole, back home to rest, and now to the Fire Nation to wed the Firelord's son.
027.DeedZuko's mouth hangs open as he sees her under Lu Ten's arm, then his good eye opens wide as Song recounts the things she has done to protect her village; when she finishes, he manages to squeak, "My sister too?" and she wonders if he would faint should she tell him that Azula had initiated it.
046.TokenIt isn't the wedding gift that makes Song smile, but rather the cloth it came wrapped in: forest green trimmed in gold, with a corner of the Earth Kingdom's symbol on it; "No hard feelings, Long Feng?" she asks the sky.
041.RealShe has had rulers and leaders of men, but it is with Lu Ten that she approaches a sense of normalcy; she thinks she prefers it to Ozai's catching wildness, to Hakoda's hard strength, to Arnook's restrained passion, to Iroh's experienced sensuality, and even to Sokka's eagerness and Zuko's awkwardness.

Current Location: my desk
Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: The Bare Necessities - The Jungle Book
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