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Avatar AU Scribble
Title: Matching of Wills
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: PG/K+
Genre: General
Summary: A captured Yù Lài is taken before Dragon Emperor Azula.
Notes: This takes place in Bex's awesome AUverse and occurs after this story.  A note if you click the link - it's based on outdated information, before Yù Lóng/Yù Lài's gender was actually nailed down to its current fluid state.  Yes, Yù Lài is transgender.  Ish.  She is biologically male, but sometimes identifies as a woman rather than a man.  To differentiate between the two, she decided that Yù Lài would be her woman's name, while her man's name would be Yù Lóng.  If you have questions, please feel free to ask in comments.

"So, what kind of poison was that again?"

Yù Lài was pleased when the Dragon Emperor stiffened ever so slightly at her words. The blue fire illuminating the room flickered briefly higher - Yù Lài had hit a nerve.

"Poison?" asked Azula. "Your friends have not been poisoned." A smile. "Yet."

"Who said anything about them?" Yù Lài asked in turn, matching the old woman's smile.

A negliible flick of the wrist, and blue fire flashed dangerously close to the exorcist. Yù Lài didn't flinch, though she did blink rapidly. That had been entirely too close for comfort.

"Amuse me," said the Dragon Emperor.

Yù Lài let a grin cross her face. "Shall I sing and dance for you, pri-- excuse me, Emperor?"

Azula leaned forward. "You are far too young to have ever known me by that title."

"Sorry," the young exorcist answered. "It's just several of the people I talk to still use it. Habits do form."

Golden eyes narrowed to slits, and Yù Lài gave the Emperor her very best innocent expression.

"I think I'll have you castrated," Azula said.

"At last I shall be able to sing the role of Princess Akiko," Yù Lài replied, to cover the sudden panic. She liked her genitals just the way they were!

"Yes," said the Dragon Emperor. "You will." She signalled to her guards. Yù Lài snarled and fought them as best she could, but she was bound, and her powers wouldn't work on humans anyway. "Or," said Azula, and the guards stopped, "you can stop playing games that don't amuse me."

Yù Lài jerked her shoulder free of the nearest. "However shall I amuse you, then?"

"Who are you?" Azula asked.

"Sometimes I am appropriately called Yù Lài," answered the exorcist with a shrug. She wouldn't give the Emperor her other name, because she was only Yu Long when she was male.

Azula looked irritated, but she didn't comment. Instead, she asked, "Who do you know that calls me 'princess'?"

Yù Lài smiled sweetly. "One known as Hei Bai."

Azula's eyes narrowed dangerously, and she leaned back in her throne. "I will destroy Toph. I will gut the firebender, carve him to his traitorous heart. I will give the airbender to my son to do with as he wills. I will keep the waterbender for myself, because it's been a very long time since I've had a Water Tribe pet." Lightning danced between her fingers, striking weird and frighting shadows through the room. "You may yet live. Or you may die on a whim. I haven't decided yet."

Yù Lài considered the prospect of Ataneq being brought to the Dragon Emperor as a pet, and had to fight laughter.

Azula frowned.

The exorcist controlled herself quickly. "Sorry, pri-- Emperor. Mortals don't frighten me anymore." She was lying; Azula terrified her. But Yù Lài had faced down things that were even scarier.

In a single casual gesture, the Dragon Emperor drew the lightning to one hand. "It's a good thing I'm not mortal anymore, isn't it?" The lightning vanished abruptly, and she ordered the guards, "Take it to see my doll."

"By your command, Imperial Majesty," said one of the guards, and Yù Lài was hauled away.

Current Location: my bed
Current Mood: pissed off
Current Music: Chance! - UVERworld
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