Speaker For The Diodes - Post a comment

Aug. 3rd, 2008

05:25 am - QotD

From the Quotation of the day mailing list, 2007-01-16:

"This is a marine biological station with her history of over sixty years ... Take care of this place and protect the possibility for the continuation of our peaceful research. You can destroy the weapons and the war instruments, but save the civil equipments for Japanese students. When you are through with your job here, notify to the University and let us come back to our scientific home.

"The last one to go" -- Katsuma Dan, marine biologist, from a handwritten notice he left at the Misaki Marine Biological Station for U.S. forces occupying Japanese installations at the end of World War II. The station survived the war.


(submitted to the mailing list by David Bergman)


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