Speaker For The Diodes - Post a comment

Dec. 12th, 2008

05:25 am - QotD

"The relationship of Jesus the person to Jesus the message is the relationship of Foxy Lady to Jimi Hendrix's guitar. Long after the concert is over, the guitar is burnt and broken, but that tune is still in your head making you walk funny and break out into song randomly in a way that scares passers by. Jesus the person played an awesome message and sounded a brief concert for people. When that person was used up and away from our presence, we ended up with recordings of widely varying fidelity that have been passed down from generation to generation. Some of these generations took better care of the recordings than others. Some made little changes to benefit themselves or for other 'good intentions'. All we've got now is mostly a scratched up 78 lp and a mono turntable with a half busted needle and a frayed wire to the speaker. But if we listen carefully, we can hear something of the original tune, the original message. When that happens, our lives become somehow richer." -- [info] dicea, 2008-09-18


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