Speaker For The Diodes - Post a comment

Dec. 25th, 2008

05:25 am - QotD

"I tried to find Him on the Christian cross, but He was not there; I went to the temple of the Hindus and to the old pagodas, but I could not find a trace of Him anywhere. I searched on the mountains and in the valleys, but neither in the heights nor in the depths was I able to find Him. I went to the Kaaba in Mecca, but He was not there either. I questioned the scholars and philosophers, but He was beyond their understanding. I then looked into my heart, and it was there where He dwelled that I saw Him; He was nowhere else to be found. " -- Jalaluddin Rumi [thanks to [info] blueeowyn]

To my fellow Christians, Merry Christmas! Let us rejoice in this celebration of the birth of our Saviour, and go and observe various family traditions and eat! ... Uh, and merry Christmas to those who celebrate Christmas as a secular holiday, as well -- just minus the religious bit ... (And to everyone else, please bear with us; the Christmas elevator-music shouldn't last too terribly much longer.)


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