Speaker For The Diodes - February 22nd, 2008

Feb. 22nd, 2008

05:35 am - QotD

"Were we to choose our leaders on the basis of their reading experience and not their political programs, there would be much less grief on earth. I believe ... that for someone who has read a lot of Dickens to shoot his like in the name of an idea is harder than for someone who has read no Dickens." -- Joseph Brodsky (thanks to [info]blueeowyn)

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01:16 pm - Briefly Checking In

Yesterday the browser I was using got painfully slow ... then I fell asleep. So I'm still catching up to the folks who wished me a happy birthday (thanks!).

I'm starting to think that I should load up two computers with as much RAM as I can scrounge, dedicate one to nothing but web browsing and the other to nothing but photo editing, and always connact to those two machines via X from wherever I happen to be sitting when I want to do either of those things. Then maybe I wouldn't have the problem of various machines getting bogged down from hving too much memory-intensive stuff running at once. (As a side effect, if I use VNC along with X, I can have just one set of open windows/tabs for browsing, accessible from anywhere in the house, instead of being in the middle of these things in this room and having left off in the middle of those things in that room, and not wanting to open GIMP on this computer because I'd have to close all those open pages first to free enough RAM, etc.)

Yesterday I felt better enough, compared to the previous few days, to feel like I could get back up on the roof and try to shift the plastic back into place, taking advantage of the calm air[*]. But I also had enough sense to talk myself out of it, because there's a party I really want to go to tonight, and if I'd gone ahead and used up my spoons dealing with the roof, then today I would have felt as wretched as Tuesday and would not have been able to attend the party. So I rested for the sake of tonight's pleasure.

Alas, leg cramps kept me from sleeping well this morning, so I still ought to try for a nap this afternoon before going out to have fun this evening.

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03:09 pm - Whoopsie

Whoops. Forgot the footnote I was going to include in my last entry. And I'm still fighting a sluggish browser, so hitting nine[2] "edit journal entry" pages doesn't sound like fun. Whipping up a new entry in vi and posting it is easier. So:

[*] To serve as a wind-sock, I have the smokestack of the recycling plant visible from my window. The plume from that rarely goes straight up, but it was doing that yesterday.

[2] LiveJournal, DeadJournal, GreatestJournal, InsaneJournal, JournalFen, Scribbld, Crazylife, Blurty, and CommieJournal. And I know some of my friends also mirror their journals on one or more of those, and a few have relocated entirely, but so far I've only found a small handful, so if I know you and haven't friended you on a site other than LiveJournal, let me know who you are where. So far, InsaneJournal seems to be the second most active after LiveJournal (other than, perhaps, GreatestJournal, which has problems), but in terms of 'fannish migration', I'm waiting for Scribblit to come out of beta to see what happens.

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11:54 pm - Whine


Picked an outfit, cased instruments and put an amp by the door (I was looking forward to jamming on electric bass tonight), even remembered to grab a folding hand-truck for the trek from parking ... made sure the digicam's batteries were charged, grabbed a quick shower ... and started feeling dizzy and headachy.

Man, I hate this.

Tempted to scrape ice off the borrowed car and make the drive down there to spend a few minutes with whoever hasn't let yet, if the headache-meds don't take too long to do their job, but the headache-meds also tend to make me drowsy. :-(

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