Speaker For The Diodes - April 16th, 2008

Apr. 16th, 2008

05:32 am - QotD

"It's easy to sit on one's high horse and boo as the Olympic flame runs by. It's hard not to buy the DVD player 'Made in China' that cost 70% less than another brand, made in a country where human rights are upheld. It's easy to make fun of the Chinese press' state of denial and to forget how few US newspapers contradicted the Bush Administration's WMD smokescreen; it's hard to choose not to invest in mutual funds that invest in China." -- [info] c_mantix, 2008-04-08

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11:30 am - Offline

Roofers are about to move antenna; I gotta unplug. Gonna be offline until evening.

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03:50 pm - Back

Roofers put antenna as close as they could remember to where it had been; surprisingly, that's close enough for me to get a signal even though the ISP tech hasn't come yet!

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04:44 pm - IJ Up

And as I get back online, I find that IJ has come back as well. In contrast to [info] squeaky's initial, understandably panicked ohcrapwheredidthesitego message when it looked as though he'd have to make do with month-old backups,

After the longest outage in InsaneJournal history we are back 100%. No data was lost. I will post a larger update later explaining what happened. For now I simply apologize for the issues.


Now to go backfill the last day and a half worth of entries while waiting for the ISP tech. (I called and said I had signal, and suggested they check their guages to see whether they still needed to send somebody or not, and they said, "It's pretty good but it could still use aligning," so I'm still on their schedule for today.)

[Note to self: Refrain from correcting 'no data was' to 'no data were'. Refrain from correcting 'no data was' to 'no data were'. Refrain from correcting 'no data was' to 'no data were'. Refrain fro...]

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