Speaker For The Diodes - June 20th, 2008

Jun. 20th, 2008

05:27 am - QotD

"I'm not a real person, you see. Never have been. Oh, I have a birth certificate and a passport, there's a physical body sitting here that used to resemble the avvie in the icon, and I have memories of a life spent mostly in the real world among people who might be able to vouch for my identity, if they cared. But for as long as I can remember, I've been living mostly inside my head, telling myself stories, singing myself songs, spinning off characters and scenes, because I have always known the difference between the real world and fantasy and I know which I prefer. I'm not a real person in the way that someone might say they're not a dog person. There are good things in the real world, of course, lots of them, but on the whole the real world doesn't seem to feel that it needs or wants me around, and when I try to interact with it beyond the minimum necessary for survival it makes that feeling perfectly clear to me.

"But one thing about the real world that I love is having real friends to talk to and exchange ideas and songs and stories with. [...]"

-- [info] smallship1, 2008-02-20

[To my friends who celebrate it religiously or otherwise, happy Summer Solstice (23:59 UTC/19:59 EDT for anyone who likes to mark it to the minute)!]

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