Speaker For The Diodes - August 2nd, 2008

Aug. 2nd, 2008

05:25 am - QotD

"Some weekend just recently, most of my apartment neighbors went stir fry bonkers. They dressed in brightly colored tribal clothing and some of them painted their faces. They gathered together in large groups, played very loud music for a very very long time, while eating specific types of fattening food and drinking alcoholic beverages. They watched this particular show and became so emotionally involved that they jeering, cheered, screamed, moaned, shouted, argued and otherwise carried on like loonies.

"They were watching the superbowl. I don't consider their behavior normal because there are more psycho sports fans than psycho sci-fi fans. I consider their behavior normal because tribalism is normal amongst human beings. All tribalism calls for ritualistic displays of adherence, be it face paint and beer or fanfic and costumes.

"There. Is. No. Difference.

"Except members of the larger tribe will almost invariably claim, at some point, that their greater community size confers greater social approval upon its members.

"Nah. Most people are weird and it takes guts to have fun. Life is short, then you die, and nobody cares in the end. Live it up!"

-- [info] kkglinka

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