Speaker For The Diodes - August 19th, 2008

Aug. 19th, 2008

05:25 am - QotD

"For the philosophically minded - I humbly submit the following lesson: Only preach to the converted.

"When I found out about the hidden world of government malfeasance and financial cabals that are responsible for so much misery in this world, and that exist with the help of the media's complicity, I naturally assumed a lot of people would want to know. I spent all sorts of time and emotional energy on my soapbox, to be met with bored stares or snide remarks. The only time such speech-making and arguing was productive was when I had found someone already inclined to my way of thinking who was looking for answers, as I was.

"So Liberals, stop trying to convert Conservatives, and vice versa. Veggies, leave those BBQ eaters alone. If you want to change the world, start with yourself so as to provide an example, and then only preach to people who ask for a sermon!"

-- Ernie, 2008-04-03, responding to a Things I Wish They Had Taught Me In School essay (which was pointed out by [info] siderea.)

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