Speaker For The Diodes - August 25th, 2008

Aug. 25th, 2008

05:25 am - QotD

"Any system that has people spending more and getting less is, by definition, not efficient. And these efficiency leaks are, almost entirely, due to private greed. There is no logical way that a private system can pay eight-figure CEO compensation packages, turn a handsome a profit for shareholders, and still be 'efficient.' In fact, in order to deliver those profits and salaries, the American system has built up a vast, Kafkaesque administrative machinery of approval, denial, and fraud management, which inflates the US system's administrative costs to well over double that seen in other countries -- or even in our own public systems, including Medicare and the VA system." -- Sara Robinson, "Mythbusting Canadian Healthcare, Part II: Debunking the Free Marketeers", 2008-02-11

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07:19 pm - Bleah

Feeling more coherent than yesterday, but not feeling coordinated enough to want to get on I-95. :-( Going to stay in.

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