Speaker For The Diodes - September 11th, 2008

Sep. 11th, 2008

05:25 am - QotD

"Beyond their obvious murderous madness, [the 9/11 attacks] nonetheless follow a certain logic.

"Obviously it is a barbarous logic, marked by a new nihilism that is repugnant to the great majority of those who believe in Islam, which, as a religion, does not condone suicide any more than Christianity does, and certainly not suicide coupled with the massacre of innocent people. But it is a political logic, which, by going to extremes, seeks to force Muslim opinion to 'choose sides' against those who are currently designated as 'the Great Satan.' By doing this, their objective might well be to spread and deepen an unprecedented crisis in the Arab world.

"In the long term, this attitude is obviously suicidal, because it attracts lightning. And it might attract a bolt of lightning that does not discriminate. This situation requires our leaders to rise to the occasion. They must act so that the peoples whom these warmongers are seeking to win over and are counting on will not fall in step behind them in their suicidal logic."

-- Jean-Marie Colombani, "We Are All Americans", Le Monde, 2001-09-12

"Yeah, I recall 9/11. A friend woke me up with a phone call and told me to turn on my tv. So I was watching when the second plane hit.

"And my immediate reaction when the Pentagon attack was announced as well as the (rather obvious) bit that these weren't accidents was to think of the Reichstag fire.

"But that passed. I realized that not even Bush and co would set up something like that.

"But as the years have passed, it's become more and more obvious that they'll exploit it to their own ends just as badly as if they *had* planned it all."

-- [info] kengr, 2008-09-04

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