Speaker For The Diodes - December 27th, 2008

Dec. 27th, 2008

05:25 am - QotD

Fenton Fuscus:"What are the secrets to a long, happy marriage?"
Kevin Dewclaw ( Kindle):"Trust ... Communication ... And a career in which your high-end tech purchases are deductible as business expenses!"

-- from the comic strip Kevin & Kell by Bill Holbrook, 2007-06-22

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11:21 pm - Font Tool Request

Er ... is there a tool (WinXP or Linux) that'll check a downloaded-but-not-yet-installed TT/OTF font file to see whether certain characters are in it (or to list the Unicode ranges it covers, from which I can find out whether the characters I want are present)? I see a couple of tools that (somewhat clumsily) let me do this for fonts already installed, but I'm hoping to avoid a lot of install-check-uninstall steps if I can.

(And yes, I've decided it's time for another round of "hunt the yogh".)

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