Speaker For The Diodes - January 26th, 2009

Jan. 26th, 2009

05:25 am - QotD

"Thinking critically combined with being analytical means being able to find the real answers which are best for you, means being your own person. Even if some of your tastes and decisions end up being common ones, coming to your conclusions via critical thinking and analysis means being a nonconformist inside your own gray matter. Where it counts the most.

"I believe there is nothing more important than individual liberty. Black eyeliner and glitter lipstick might be ways of expressing your love of freedom, but they will not make you free. Only application of your unfettered brain can do that."

-- Amelia G ( [info] amelia_g), 2008-06-22

[Also: a birthday shout-out to Sheepie!!]

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05:31 pm - So Tired

Gig last night went mostly well. (Broke a string and bent a leg of my music stand -- must've stepped on it or something.) Forgot how tiny that stage is! Was very tired afterward. Managed to get up and out to appointment today (my Dr. was out, another was filling in); am now very, very tired. Want to go to 3LF but seems unlikely -- will take pain meds in case they help enough to get me out the door for third time in 2 days. At the moment my left arm is killing me, so lifting bass into and out of the car would be tough, but let's see how that feels with meds in me. Legs hurt to, so discovering construction blocking clinic entrance and winding up having to walk long way 'round to find temporary entrance and then go long way through building was kinda painful.

BGE left note on my door about turning off my electricity. Eep! Gotta try to catch up before they do that.

Perrine adorable as usual. Need to catch her asleep and trim her claws. She keeps kneading my ribs and chest, and has a knack for putting a claw into my left nipple.

Urk. Hyperacusis starting. (Why does that so often follow (or start during) doctor visits? Hate the television in the waiting room.) Rush hour is making my ears hurt.

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