Speaker For The Diodes - May 1st, 2009

May. 1st, 2009

01:55 am - Hoping I'm Un-dizzy Enough

The big test: if I'm feeling well enough that I think I can drive safely as far as College Park in the morning, I can get a ride with bandmates the rest of the way to West Virginia to play with The Homespun Ceilidh Band this weekend. Wish me luck ...

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05:25 am - QotD

"The current media outlets have lost one of their most valuable assets: credibility. Without this, reporting and investigation are unimportant: no one believes you did the hard work to find out the truth when you so often present made-up news you got off YouTube, or inexpert pretty-faces speaking nonsense. If you don't swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, why bother reporting at all? Just sit around your offices making things up, the way folks do at the National Enquirer or The Onion.

"Credibility is a marketable commodity, and something that established, high-reputation newspapers built their business on. [...]

"[...] I hope that people will return to paying for a combination of accuracy plus timeliness plus presentation, and that somehow this will find a niche in the new model."


-- [info] metahacker, 2009-04-19 ( earlier draft, in the context that sparked it)

[Blessed Beltane to my friends celebrating it!]

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