Speaker For The Diodes - February 14th, 2010

Feb. 14th, 2010

05:24 am - QotD

"On not being a cat", by [info] marnanel:

Were I a cat, my love, I'd leave each day
a single dying mouse upon your bed;
Yet, human, I must find another way
And honour you by leaving verse instead.

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06:16 pm - My mother's dog went nuts at this

"Bark! Bark Bark Bark! Bark! Bark Bark!"
"Pepper, what are you barking at?"
"Bark Bark! Bark! Bark!"
"Oh! Oh crap, hope it holds still long enough for me to fetch the camera!"

a pointy-nosed, bushy-tailed,triangle-eared critter stares at the camera from the yardnext door
same animal, departing

(Mom's dog is a fraction of the size of this, but desparately wanted to be let out to give chase.)

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