Speaker For The Diodes - April 9th, 2010

Apr. 9th, 2010

05:24 am - QotD

"One thing we people of color know all too well as Frederick Douglass reminds us, power concedes nothing without a demand. If the people leading your movement are too busy sucking up to the same powers instead of confronting them on behalf of the powerless people you purport to represent, it leads to an ineffective movement.

"It also manifests itself in leaders that are resistant to doing anything that may put their own comfortable position at risk or engage in 'tough minded' confrontational strategies that anger the defenders of the status quo they so desperately want to be a part of."

-- Monica Roberts (TransGriot), 2010-03-30 [Note to DW users: TransGriot shows up on DW as the RSS feed </a></b></a>[info]transgriot_feed]

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