Speaker For The Diodes - July 21st, 2011

Jul. 21st, 2011

05:24 am - QotD

"If someone persists on obsessively contemplating their navel, they should at least not let the lint get to their brain." -- [info] helivoy, 2011-07-14

"The first round of DNA results from the Belly Button Biodiversity project are in, and the 95 samples that have so far been analysed have turned up a whopping total of more than 1400 bacterial strains. In 662 cases, the microbes could not even be classified to family, 'which strongly suggests that they are new to science', says team leader Jiri Hulcr of North Carolina State University in Raleigh." -- Peter Aldhouse, "Belly button biomes begin to blossom", New Scientist, 2011-06-30 ( thanks to [info] moominmuppet for pointing it out)

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