Speaker For The Diodes - September 20th, 2011

Sep. 20th, 2011

05:24 am - QotD

[Note: you may want to read the essay this was a comment on and some of the other comments, for context.] "Do the people who think the poor should be denied any pleasures in life deny themselves any pleasure in life? I mean, if you don't think someone on assistance should have steak, even if it's on sale and just the chuck, I hope you're using your disposable income to fight hunger or support your local food pantry/soup kitchen or some other charitable cause. Because if you don't want to go without your nights out on the town or your vacations or your nice clothes and fancy watch -- what right do yo have to deny people an enjoyable meal? As far as life's luxuries go, foodâ' comparatively inexpensive, and a lot more practical than, say, eau de parfum or a night at the theatre." -- McSnarkster, 2011-09-02 [ thanks to [info] - personal firecat for linking to the original essay]

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