Speaker For The Diodes - December 16th, 2013

Dec. 16th, 2013

12:03 am - Signal Boost: Healthy Cats in So. ON Need New Home

Healthy cats in southern Ontario needing new home due to human-cancer.

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05:24 am - QotD

From "TERF Battles" by Cristan Williams in OutSmart, 2013-12-01:

Clements-Nolle, et al, studied the predictors of suicide among over five hundred transgender men and women in a sample from San Francisco, and found a prevalence of suicide attempts of 32 percent. In this study, the strongest predictor associated with the risk of suicide was gender-based discrimination that included "problems getting health or medical services due to their gender identity or presentation." According to Gorton, "Notably, this gender-based discrimination was a more reliable predictor of suicide than depression, history of alcohol/drug abuse treatment, physical victimization, or sexual assault.

"These studies provide overwhelming evidence that removing discriminatory barriers to treatment results in significantly lower suicide rates."

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