Speaker For The Diodes - February 4th, 2014

Feb. 4th, 2014

05:24 am - QotD

From a series of tweets posted by Parker Marie Molloy (@ParkerMolloy), 2013-12-16 (that link goes to the first tweet but the rest should be visible underneath it when you click there):

"Why do you care about someone using transphobic slurs when there are REAL problems that impact trans people?"

Fair question. The reason? Many of these REAL problems are rooted in a basic disregard for trans ppl's humanity. When it becomes so easy to treat trans lives as somehow unworthy of the same basic human dignity everyone else gets. When you say "I saw a tr*nny," you're treating the person as something completely different. Not even the most virulently anti-LGB person will other LGB folks out of humanity. When it's so easy to dehumanize us in speech, it becomes easy to self-justify discrimination and violence against us. After all, we're not men or women, you see... In their minds we're these broken bodies with diseased minds. To them, we're "just a tr*nny." And therefore, the humanity others are granted should be withheld. So, THAT'S why I take the time to care about this issue. It's not for fear of "getting my feelings hurt;" it's for the sake of others not becoming self-justified victims of horrible crime/discrimination.

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