Speaker For The Diodes - Post a comment

Jan. 17th, 2008

05:33 am - QotD

"Heinlein's stories about this always used to be particularly chilling for me because I could tell he had thought out his predictions very carefully and had researched them thoroughly .. including the particularly chilling insight that the general public had taken such a long time to figure out what Scudder was up to that the coup was all over before they realized anything was wrong. Heinlein was dead on the money with that particular part of his analysis .. I've seen evidence all around me that people just aren't getting how dangerous the dominionist movement is, partly because the most frightening public statements they make are encoded to sound innocuous to people outside the movement, just like this one, and most people in the mainstream just don't hear them for what they are, or they just plain don't want to know because they're afraid to think about the implications.

"I cannot stress enough that the dominionist movement needs to be watched very closely on a continuous basis, because if they *are* setting up to attempt a theocratic 'Christian law' coup in this country, there may be very little if any overt warning of it before it's too late to stop it. I'm basing that on past history, particularly the NSDAP takeover in Germany in the 1920's-1930's, as well as what I've seen from the movement itself .."

-- [info] lihan161051, 2008-01-08


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