Speaker For The Diodes - QotD

Aug. 2nd, 2010

05:24 am - QotD

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"Every politician understands what is in his or her short-term interest. They know what the party leadership wants, what their campaign contributors want, and what lobbyists want. At what point does the long-term interest of the nation as a whole come into play? Who represents the interests of future generations? Today, our future is determined by cowardly politicians who can only think as far as the next election. Our economy is guided by short-sighted corporations that only care about hitting their quarterly numbers, lest their stock nosedives and they get taken over by a rival corporation. [...] With so many crises to address and such powerful interests opposing reforms, Washington cannot afford to play partisan games and conduct business as usual." -- Sanho Tree, 2010-06-26 (in an essay where he proposes a means to fix this* rather than merely complaining about the problem)

[*] Which I feel insufficiently well-informed to evaluate the feasibility of.

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