Speaker For The Diodes - QotD

Aug. 5th, 2010

05:24 am - QotD

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"when we are willing to leave anyone behind in the effort to advance justice for ourselves, this is when we start to lose our credibility and effectiveness. that time and place is where the fractures between oppressed groups forms, and where the oppressors will strike - divide and conquer. those of us who stand at these intersections know - we are attacked from without by those who share none of our oppressions and from within by those who do share one of our oppressions. we see the harm from not dealing with intersections - though even we who stand at intersections are not immune to the inability to see our privileges that alienate other oppressed groups.

"the take away message here, as always, isn't wallow in guilt, but to do better. "

-- [info] - personal stoneself, 2010-07-17

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