Speaker For The Diodes - Post a comment

Aug. 9th, 2010

05:04 am - War-ward Bound

I know my saying, "This past week did not go according to plan," is plain unsurprising, but wow, did last week not go according to plan, backup plan, revised plan, improvised replacement plan, or whole new plan. Somehow important stuff did happen anyhow, just not in the right order or at the expected times. And I'm finally en route to Pennsic.

I got started too late to get my nails done, and I really need to get them taken care of. But waiting a whole 'nuther day just for that seemed like too big a risk of having my recover-from-the-trip time swallow most of my at-Pennsic time. So depending on how long I sit here at the first rest stop in WV on my route, maybe I'll pass a nail salon during business hours as I get close to War. Or maybe I'll just tack the edges with cyanoacrylate glue before I unload the car, and deal with a town-run to get my guitar-picks taken care of after a day or two. We'll see.

I can still see out of more than 50% of the minivan's rear wondow. But I did have to limit myself to just one guitar. The 12-string didn't fit, after I put in the 6-string, the double bass, the winds, some percussion ... I think I'll manage to cope. I did bring the 12-string mandolin*, two sets of mandolin strings (I couldn't find a 12-string-mandolin set, so I'll have to use one and a half 8-string sets), a couple of attempts at shaping a bridge blank, and a set of files suitable for nuts and bridges. (The nut is already grooved for triple-stringing but the bridge is missing.) So i have a project for any days when I ache too much to be able to leave camp.

I wonder how long it'll take for Perrine to realize Mom's feeding her this week, and stop running away from Mom.

I'm taking this as a good omen: while I had an awful lot of last-minute stuff to do (that added a lot of extra miles to my outbound trip), I did wind up selling a CD while I was buying gas. Well, I met a couple who said they were interested in a CD after I showed it to them, but they had no cash; then we wound up at the same grocery store immediately thereafter, and they got cash from an ATM to buy the CD. So depending on how you count it, I either sold a CD buying gas, or buying driving-snacks.

Among my last-minute extra-driving tasks was a side trip back to my house to look for some things I had failed to gather on Friday. I still can't find the sabots that fit, so I'm stuck with the ones I have to wear three pairs of socks with, if War gets muddy. But I did manage to confirm my suspicion that I had grabbed the leaky air mattress instead of the good one, by finally locating the good one. That right there is probably worth the extra delay.

Okay, gonna close my eyes for half an hour, then see whether I feel like I can drive some more.

[*] Aka "mandriola"


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