Speaker For The Diodes - Post a comment

Oct. 20th, 2011

05:24 am - QotD

"True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else." -- Clarence Darrow

For example:

"If you want to kill and hurt people, go to Iraq. These are United States citizens! [...] I'm in New York City, I'm from New York City, and these cops are hurting people that, that I've, I fought to protect. There's no reason for this. There's [...] no honor in hurting unarmed civilians, and I won't let it happen." -- USMC Sgt. Shamar Thomas, 2010-11-15, addressing police officers at the Occupy Wall Street protest.

"Well, I've been to Iraq twice. I have been in -- I was in a riot in Ar Rutba, Iraq in 2004, where we had rocks thrown at us, and after the rocks were thrown -- we didn't go beating up people and arresting people, you know what I mean. We kind of treated it with a level of humility. [...] And to have the cops beating -- I saw, you know, a cop punching a woman in the face [...] to see that in my own country [...] -- my family fought for this country, for people to have a right and these people are peaceful. I haven't seen a video yet where I have seen them try to hurt the cops. Why are they using batons and sticks? Why are they in riot gear when nobody is trying to riot, you know?" -- USMC Sgt. Shamar Thomas, interviewed about the clip quoted/linked above on Countdown, 2010-10-17 ( transcript)


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