Speaker For The Diodes - Post a comment

May. 7th, 2008

04:49 pm - I'm alive. Have a meme.

I know I've been quiet lately. The weekend (gig in WV then back to MD to shoot the wedding of two friends) took a lot out of me. I'm still alive. Here, have a meme ...


Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?

Er ... Win2K default on one, WinXP default on another, Debian default on a third, a picture created by pressing my eye against a flatbed scanner on another, a photo from Pennsic on one more, innocuous patterns from the default MacOS 8/9 pallette on two others, Ubuntu default on one, a plain grey on the NetBSD box (Sun), and the rest are Linux machines that I don't run X servers on (though I often run X clients on them).

I usually have so many windows open that I can't see the wallpaper/desktop anyhow. Otherwise I might bother to customize.

Q. How many televisions do you have in your house?

Four and a half. Or four and a quarter, depending on how you count them. (A handheld battery-powered colour, a portable B/W with AM/FM radio that runs on line current or battery, two 'normal' televisions, and a B/W studio monitor that I'm using a VCR with tape loading problems as the tuner for.


Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?

Short answer: left-handed; more complicated answer: 'mixed dominance' (but not ambidextroussinister).

Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?

A tooth and a wart (not in the same place). Oh, and there's that foreskin business, but I wasn't the one who decided to have that removed.

Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted?

My camera bag. With all the spares in it because I was shooting a wedding.

Q. Have you ever been knocked out?

Yes, in a body-surfing accident. I regained consciousness staring up through a foot of water, trying to decide whether I dared move and how much longer it would be before I needed to breathe. In hindsight, I was remarkably calm about waking up under water. Then again, in the moment I was much more worried about my spine than about respiration.


Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?

That's one I've thought about a lot and still haven't decided on. It'd give me a timetable for getting all these tunes out of my head and onto paper or into phonorecordings though.

Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

Another of the thought-about-much-but-not-decided questions. I like the fact that my name also honours the memory of my father, but there are other names that appeal to me, and a more androgynous or feminine name would be nice ... thing is, many of the names I like well enough are also the names of friends, which would make things confusing. And I've gotten so accustomed to identifying myself with my current name.

Maybe something like 'Alexandra' or 'Cynthia' -- but ask me tomorrow and you'll get a different answer.

Q. What color do you think looks best on you?

Jewel tones in general. Though I frequently forget this when it would be most useful to remember.

Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item?

Yah. But not intentionally, that I can recall.


Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?

*shrug* Maybe. A kiss isn't that big a deal. But not if the specific situation creeped me out for some other reason. And I wouldn't want one instance of kissing-for-money-instead-of-affection to be considered a precedent leading to a policy.

Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?

<<shudder>> The SF story about a human flutist who had extra digits grafted on in order to learn to play a woodwind for twelve-fingered aliens made some sense to me; cutting fingers off, especially as a guitarist ... <<shudder>> Ew.

Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000?

It'd take a lot more than that, and the contract would have to be very carefully worded so I'd know exactly what sorts of public writing were still allowed.

Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?

Yah, I would. I might cringe every time I saw the photo again, unless I managed to get into decent shape again first, but if some folks want to see that, whatever. I don't see myself allowing myself to feel shamed by such a thing, even if I may be a little embarrassed about being out of shape. I guess I spent enough time around people who were comfortably casual about nudity when I was younger (e.g., parties where at some point a lot of people wound up naked for comfort or convenience, that weren't sex parties ... just that nudity wasn't anything special). Yeah, publication is whole 'nuther thing, but I still don't see a huge problem with it.

(Relatedly: there exist nude photos of me that are in the hands of other people. Fortunately mostly of me in younger and more attractive years. If I were vehemently against ever having those photos appear, that fact would be something to lose sleep over and a potential avenue of blackmail should they fall into the wrong hands, though unfortunately not always the most flattering angles, poses, and lighting. But I made some decisions long ago about how I would react to a blackmail attempt if it ever comes up ... and if I'm not going to be All That Freaked Out over the possibility that someone may maliciously post those photos, then I'm not going to be too weirded out by the idea of getting paid for publication of naked pics. And in the scenario outlined here, I'd have a chance to voice my opinion on which photos got published (or, depending on the language in the model release, maybe even veto power). OTOH, if I were seriously considering a career in politics or a return to classroom teaching at the middle-school level, I might be more concerned about the idea just because of how so much of my culture reacts to such things.)

Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?

Probably. Not Pure-Cap, but I'm not sure that really counts as 'sauce'. If I could do it within my ability to tolerate (I'm fond of spicy but not as much a chili-head as some of my friends) and without injury, sure. Like, Tabasco maybe.

Q. Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?

Oh good, an easy one! No.

I don't think I could even be a state-sanctioned-and-paid executioner. Or, for that matter, a soldier.

I could take a life in self-defense, but Lord, how I hope I never have to. (The one time I actually had to make that decision, my assailant was deterred by the sight of my sword and I was never forced to swing, thank God. Just realizing that I had decided that really messed with my head for a while afterward.) Killing for money is right out.


Q: What is in your left pocket?

Pocket? Pocket?

At the moment, I'm nekkid. Ain't got no pockets. (And most of my clothes don't have pockets anyhow.)

Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?

So I've heard. I'll see for myself someday, probably.

Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?

Uh, used-to-be-hard wood that's a bit splintery and needs refinishing in some places and replacing in others.

Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?


Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?

Zero. I think. There could be a pair lurking somewhere long forgotten, but probably not.


Q: Last person who texted you?

[info] justgus37

Q: Last person who called you?

[info] fidhle

Q: Last person you hugged?

The end of Sunday is a bit of a blur, due to exhaustion. Probably either Jen & Steve or [info] silmaril


Q: Number?

i. (Yah, I know, 'too easy' and probably a pretty common answer -- though I nearly answered π, which is probably even more common. *shrug* My favourite colour is also the most popular favourite-colour. I'm not going to come up with something different just to be unusual.) When I was a child, my favourite number was 33.

Q: Season?

Autumn. Autumn autumn autumn.

Q: Color?

Blue. Deep, vibrant blue.


Q: Missing someone?


Q: Mood?


Q: Listening to?

Traffic noises.

Q: Watching?

The breeze fluttering a curtain.

Q: Worrying about?

Money, mostly. And being prepared for some stuff on my calender in time.

Q: Wearing?

As mentioned above: nekkid. (Hey, it's kinda warm in here. And there's nobody to get offended but the cat, and AFAICT she doesn't care.)


Q: First place you went this morning?

Uh, downstairs? I haven't left the house yet today. First place I will go is HCB rehearsal.

Q: What can you not wait to do?

Burning desire? Something I will, alas, probably never get to do. Et je ne l'ose dire, for having it said would probably scandalize the other person who would hypothetically be involved.

Actually foreseeable and/or planned activity I'm looking forward to? That'd be a toss up between relaxing in my tent at Pennsic the first night after I get it set up; or getting back into the recording studio to work on another Homespun Ceilidh Band album.

Q: Do you smile often?

I'm not sure. I feel 'smiley' often, but I'm not usually really paying attention to my expression at the time.

Q: Are you a friendly person?

I think so, despite being shy.

Also: here, go have some retrocomputing fun.


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