Speaker For The Diodes - Destitute Trousers

Apr. 23rd, 2014

03:53 pm - Destitute Trousers

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I'm way, way behind on all social media. I've peeked at Facebook and Twitter a few times, and started reading my Dreamwidth reading page a couple of times, but I keep getting interrupted before I get very far and not getting back to it again for days. So I'm sure I've missed lots of news from lots of folks. Declaring pants bankrupt[1].

Mom came home from inpatient physical therapy rehab a week ago ... and promptly developed yet another UTI. But my sister ordered some home UTI test strips, so we didn't have to wait until she fell again or her next appointment to find out, this time. So she's moving slowly and thinking slowly this week (which in turn makes things much more stressful for me), but a course of antibiotics has been started. And there's been a smidgen of progress on the five-months-and-counting "get Mom seen by a urologist" project. So there's that.

We need more help here than just me. Mom needs more help. We've spoken to one outfit, but still need to work out how to pay for it. We know about one program for financial assistance so far (because Dad was in the USAF).

In the meantime, I've been exhibiting my usual lack of ability to gauge my spoons reserve -- doing too much one day (because my to-do list is scary-huge and stuff needs to get done) and then being a wreck for the next two. Monday I had to get blood drawn, and ran a few errands while I was out. Sheepie reminded me to stop after each errand to judge how tired I was getting. I felt pretty good until forty minutes after I got home and stopped doing stuff, and then my body said, "nope, nope, that was too much, falling apart now." Makes it hard to stop in time when the too-much signal has that much lag. Today I'm taking Mom to appointments this afternoon (composing this on her phone in the podiatrist's waiting room) and going to HCB rehearsal tonight -- despite yesterday not having been quite enough recovery time from Monday -- and then I have my own appointment tomorrow to see my doctor. So hoping Mom does well enough that I can get enough rest tomorrow night and all of Friday, to be in decent shape for our concert on Saturday. (Details in a previous DW entry.)

In a similar vein, I finally found out when my cousin's wedding is (in New York): the day before our gig at the Green Man festival (see same previous DW post), which might be doable if I'm not the one driving to NY and back, but is still going to be a strain. There's a lot going on (considering the downtime I need between activities, my calendar is as scary as my to-do list). Time is broken[2].

So: hanging in there, too much to do and too few spoons / too little time. Worried about Mom-care and money (hers) to pay for help. Trying to make sure I'm well enough for upcoming gigs. And hopelessly behind / out of touch. Wish me luck.

[1] If unfamiliar with the phrase, Google "bankrupt my pants".

[2] "Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once."

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