Speaker For The Diodes - Post a comment

May. 11th, 2014

05:24 am - QotD

"Anna had her vision, her mother had another, the florists and the politicians had another." -- Katharine Antolini, historian and board member at the International Mother's Day Shrine in Grafton, West Virginia, referring to the founder of Mother's Day, quoted in "Battling the Mother's Day monster", The Ottowa Citizen, 2008-05-11

"Given that some think trans women were 'born a man,' we should buy extra special gifts for Mother's Day.

"Gave birth to an adult? Impressive

"My mom had a 'Womyn Born Babies' policy on her uterus. No adults."

  -- Parker Marie Molloy, 2014-05-09 ( two tweets)


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