The Lame Game

Today was a day of study

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Today was a day of study

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So the saying is true: one hour of class is two hours of studying.  At least, so far.  Today I stalked my way through a couple hours of both Latin and Greek grammar only to find myself, at the end, utterly exhausted.  If things keep up this way I'll have no free time at all this year!

I went to a my friend Duncan's birthday dinner tonight and had a lovely time.  It's quite heartwarming to see him turn 19 - all grown up and wearing a dark corduroy jacket his father gave him.  I'm about the same age as Duncan, my birthday is in two months and in a way I owe my life to him.  My elder brother was born grossly premature (3 months) and Duncan's older brother was, I think, born a bit late.  So, back in the day, when Duncan's mother, my mother's best friend, found out she was pregnant she phoned my mother to tell her to get pregnant quickly, because "since you have kids prematurely and I have kids late so we can both have ours at the same time!"  It didn't pan out precisely that way but near enough.  Two weeks after I was born Duncan's mother came to see me, the newborn, and brought a very little Duncan along to meet me.  But today I got to see Duncan solidify his ambling progression into adulthood with a modest "thanks everyone," and a tentative opening of gifts.  Duncan has found a confident stride in life and all I can really say is 'here's to you Duncan, don't ever stop being you.'
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