Dorthy James - December 30th, 2009
December 2009
December 30th, 2009
Wed, Dec. 30th, 2009 11:29 pm
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Letty
AIM (if you have one): tweedledee96
Character Name: Dorthy James
Character LJ (if applicable): dorthyjames
Physical description (face, build, weight): Dorthy is a petit girl around 110 lbs and she is around 5’9”. Her pale skin only heightens her beauty with her high cheek bones and petit nose. Her style is as classic and conservative, a memory of her old lifestyle.
Age: 17
Birthday: January 13
PB: (If using one.) Leighton Meester
Abilities: telekinesis
Weaknesses and flaws: She has an ok control over moving smaller objects the size of a soda can or smaller. She has no control over anything larger. She also has low self esteem over everything about herself from her looks to her ability.
Character location/Home: Originally from Connecticut but on the move
Alignment (villain, hero etc): N/A for now and willing to go where she feels most welcome
Relatives (living/dead?): Parents Dom and Helen James are both alive but not a part of her life. They are humans.
Backstory: Dorthy was born into a warm and loving home. Her very successful parents gave her the world. She was an avid equestrian, and country club member living the good life that most would die for. When she was ten her powers began to surface and caused problems in the happy home. She had been in school when it happened. The chalk had lifted by itself causing the rumors to begin. After years of trying to find a doctor who could cure his little girl for good, Dom decided to take matters into his own hands. Since her fifteenth birth Dorthy was beaten by her father, in his efforts to beat the mutant out of her. Finally fed up with the abuse and lack of love her parents showed her, she left for NYC and a new start. She does not trust people, and keeps her scars hidden underneath her conservative yet stylish clothes. She is in search of a place she belongs in the world, and hopes to find it soon. Her lack of trust in others has let her become guarded and rather bitchy, coming off like an ice queen than the lost little girl that she is. She masks her insecurities with the perfect look and fake confidence, not letting people see the real her.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Somehow being brought or led to Xavier’s.
What are you planning to do with this character? Find her a place where she can fit in and feel safe.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: I would like for her to become one of Xavier’s students.

Sample post:

Dorthy woke up in a dingy motel outside the city; the walls that had once been white were turning a horrid shade of yellow without the proper maintenance. The sheets she was between were stiff and uncomfortable, and she found herself feeling dirtier than she had when she had fallen asleep. Running her hand through her dark locks she sighed and wondered how she found herself in the shit hole hotel she had begun to call home. She jumped out of the twin sized mattress and made her way to the tiny and equally dingy bathroom to get ready for her day. It was another day of job hunting, looking for a better life than what she was currently living. It was hard for her though, no one wanted to hire an ex rich kid and high school drop out, no matter how good her work ethic was and how pretty she was. Painting on her face with her makeup finishing with rough lips. Giving herself a quick once over she went to her suitcase and pulled out a black turtle neck and a white pencil skirt. She put on a pair of black tights and changed, finishing with a pair of black pumps. She grabbed her coat and purse and left the depressing little hotel room, ready for another day of rejection from the big apple.

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