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I was a faker before you.

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[Mar. 13th, 2008|01:33 pm]
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[Current Location |school library]
[Current Mood | happy]

I am so, so sorry that I've been (severly) lacking in updates. Lately it seems like I hardly have ten minutes to settle down and get on the computer, I'm always rushing around.

School is crazy. I don't know how I'm doing it and managing a social life at the same time- over the past two hours I've done an "extended topic outline" for my research paper, and I've never done anything so difficult having to do with school in my entire life. I can't wait for college, really. &sarcasm;

I've been rushing around to work and doctor's appointments (I was diagnosed with borderline depression, so hello counceling once a week!) and trying to have fun, too.

I quit my job at Party America-or, as my boss puts it, "leave of absense"-to focus on school. Progress reports came out last week and I have a D- in English and an F in Algebra. A C in food service and A's in both ecology and teaching internship. I want to start making A's and B's again, so I'm really really trying to do well. Starting next week I have a tutor for Algebra and English is my problem, really. I'm good at it and I enjoy it, I just don't do it. And also, I hate poetry.

I've decided to make this journal public, because what do I have to hide? Absolutely nothing, really. And anyway, half the people on my buddy list will probably click the link in my profile and glance over it, because the ramblings of a seventeen year old wouldn't intrest me in the least.

It's all good.

I have five minutes until I can leave the library and go meet Ben outside his coastal studies class, so I'm going to continue rambling senselessly.

Today's main event was leaving my house early to go pick Ben up, then going to McDonald's on North Street for breakfast. I got pancakes, which I ate during food service third block, and Ben got breakfast sandwiches. All thanks to me, because it seems like I'm the only one who ever has money anymore.

Speaking of which, this summer I'm going to be living on Nantucket. I'm moving out! I'll be back for senior year, of course, but you know. It happens.

Alright, I'm bored. I'm going to go to the bathroom and walk around for a bit.