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I was a faker before you.

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[Mar. 29th, 2008|11:03 am]
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Yesterday was probably the best day ever, y/y?

It started with me oversleeping. Then Ben came to pick me up and I so wasn't ready, so I ran out of my house with my shoes only half on.
I had ecology first, so I got my work for the next few days done and just slept. Such an easy class. I basically have an A for sleeping the whole time.
Then Katie and I had history, and we played current events. Our class won, 800 to 200. Go us. I knew some question about Lords of London. Woohooo!
And then there was math, which I don't remember much of. I think O'Dea takes pity on me because I can't comprehend anything. She gives me a check for only doing half my homework.
And of course, food service!!1! We made pasta. It was so much fun to make, I got to use the crank thingy while Sam and Ben fed the dough. We made fettucini and it wasn't all that great, though one of our pieces was about 5'8" long. We held it up to Ben to check.
And then a test in English that wasn't that bad.

After school Ben and I went to CVS and got Rollos, then we went to my house for a couple minutes to use the bathroom. Then we went to Ben's, where we waited for Ryan and we went to go play in the mud.
Then we went to White Hen and got slushies. I got bubble gum flavor. :]
And we went back to Ben's and Ryan left, so Ben washed his car and I watched. It was really cold outside!
We watched Family Guy for a bit, then went to Papa Ginos with my dad and sister. We saw Mr. Goode there.
And then we went to my house and took my mom's truck. It was so, so cool. I love driving new, random cars. And best yet, it wasn't my gas!
Ben and I went to CVS to pick up my prescription, and then to Newburry Comics to look at all the stuff ("We are furnishing our house with stuff from here"), and then to Party America to hang out with Chrystine and Thacher. Thacher and I threw stuff at each other and ran around the store while Ben was a "balloonary genious".
Then, after he popped a balloon and made us all go deaf, we left and played with his new flashlight in the car, shining it through the store windows and at Chrystine. Then we drove in a big circle through Dennis and down 6A and ended up back at my house, where we hung out and watched a little bit of Castaway.
Then we went to the beach for a walk. It was like 9:30 at night and so scary, but towards the end I got a lot more comfortable with the dark, cause he was there. And we looked at shells and talked. "If you were to go out there, you'd be alone. There is no human out there right now. You'd be alone in the perfect silence."
Then we drove around for a little while longer and went to my house, where we started falling asleep and we snuggled and we calmed Buster down because he was crying.

And today I have no idea what we're doing, but it's beautiful out and I wanna be outside! Maybe we'll go back to the beach again tonight. If there's stars then I'm sure I'll be a lot less scared.