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'Ello, long time no see? [28 Jul 2008|11:08pm]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | Gunslinger's Opening (pretty) ]

Sorry, I was too busy raising my cat/kids who are still locked in the basement (loonnggg story. Fret not, it's not important. They don't exist)

Well, what can I say? I'm currently absorbed into Ragnarok Online, as my friends know very well. Nagi, my scholar, and Zarame, my assassin, are often found online. However, that doesn't mean that I just wanna play RO people. T_T I've been bugged to get a job by my parents lately, and to be honest I want a job too.

Hn... what else can I say. Many know this already, but my sister's pregnant! It's a good thing, too! She's not far in, but she's excited. I'm kind of nervous (will I make a good aunt? Well, my to-be-niece-in-law likes me. I hope so), but my sister acts like her usual confident self. I'm sure she's nervous too, but dang she's strong. Helps to be 3, almost 4, years older than me.

My brother STILL hasn't gotten his orders. I'm tempted to fly down to Texas and yell at them to figure out why. And what makes it worse is HE'S SMOKING CIGARS. Ugh. How does someone with a sister like me start smoking when he knows very well that I'll be angry at him for it? My mother responded "at least it's cigars, they aren't as unhealthy as cigarettes." But it's EXPENSIVE, which makes it as bad. And either way, just 'cause there's a greater wrong doesn't mean it's not wrong anyway. He's promised to quit when mom does, and my father has promised to quit when my mom says off for 6 months, but this doesn't erase the fact that they still do it. And I'm not allowed to say anything because apparently it's annoying and doesn't help (then don't smoke in the first place).

Wait, I'm not here to just rant. Sorry. I wish Fuzz was up. Well maybe now's a good time to a) write in "For the chance to be with you" or b) start my Fuzz Comic

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