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Why am I even working here? [23 Feb 2009|12:18am]
[ mood | angry ]

Okay, I know I've been hard on my job. I've been tempted to quit because they hadn't paid me IN TWO MONTHS, but I stuck to it because I knew I would eventually get paid if I bothered them enough. So my mom comes upstairs today with a pay check for Dec 21- Jan 23. Before I can even get excited she tells me the bad news. APPARENTLY, they think I only worked one day that month. ONE DAY. DEC 31! I GOT $11.40 FOR THAT ONE DAY! I've worked since Dec. 16 and between then adn Jan 23, they think I've only worked one day! If there's something wrong because of the book deal, then I want to complain to Julia because that was NOT something she explained to me in the beginning, Brenda told me of it later. So, no, I won't accept this $11 and if they give me a bad response tomorrow when I call them about it then I'm quitting.

Edit: I forgot to mention that, while Insaniquarium cured it, I also had a very weird dream involving a blind zombie attacking me and a group of friends/people-I-don't-know in a repeat cycle. I actually only came in at the tail end of one cycle and the beginning of the next one before I woke up. It's confusing um... Okay (to keep calm, imagine this like a video game or something >.>), basically I went to Ashley Jackson's house in my dream to drop off/pick up something (I don't quite remember what) and they were watching this movie with the blind-zombie-lady thing and then as I was leaving I saw it attack them and what do you know, they already know a bit about how to defeat it. Like don't look at it's eyes. While it's blind, if you make eye contact it can sense you or something. They didn't figure out it was blind until then though and that making noise also attracts it. I wound up curled up on a chair as Ashley and some guy with blonde hair in that typical idol spikey style (know what I mean? I don't either)were the only survivors. I start walking home and as I do the others who I had seen, plus some I didn't, were walking out of their homes along the street as if nothing happened. One guy I knew (Jordan? I don't know where I knew him from, but I knew his name in my dream) wound up bringing me in and Ashley was missing this time around. We wound up walking and I tried to go, but they forced me to follow. (Jordan: "Hey Heather, where are you going?" Me: "Uh, I was going to go to WalMart..." Jordan: "It's this way!")

So we eventually traveled to this island (don't ask, I don't know) full of short people (for a reference Roxy can get, they were like Umbalans). And there we had to run from them and hide behind a cabinet. Said cabinet had a bunch of items in random slots. We looked through them and (they already knew but I didn't) found that each slot has an item that required a clue from another one and they changed each time. I ended up picking a chess board and never found the second part to my puzzle-item-thing. I did, however, help some random girl find hers. She chose a crossword puzzle that had "fifty two" as the only one filled out. I found two cards that were a 5 and a 2 of clubs. Before I could figure out what mine was (we started to try, though) the leader of the Umbalans came out and order us "intruders" to go around the campfire. The others were calm, so I was too. Oh the leader was some tall, pale girl a little on the heavy side with short, curly red hair. And sometime during the conversation with her I woke up.

So in the end I wasn't really attack, but to me it was still scary...

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Not sure what to say [23 Feb 2009|03:22pm]
[ mood | Not sure what to feel ]
[ music | Unbeatable ]

I feel like I'm a girl of "forgiving nature" which sometimes makes me angry. Actually, I'm just weak-willed. I called my boss and apparently it's just a "partial check," whatever that means. I should be getting my "real check" before the end of this week (really tomorrow or the day after but if I haven't gotten it by Saturday I call her again) *dramatic sigh* This business is messed up. I need a different job.

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