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Jen Gibbon

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[Aug. 21st, 2008|02:53 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]smethy
2008-08-21 10:42 am (UTC)



Jen, the fact that you came back means worlds to me. But the thing is, you can't pressure someone into a relationship, if the other party isn't feeling the same way. It's... I know I sound really harsh right now and I'm scared of what will happen to you if but Jen, I keep telling you I can't do, and what I feel comfortable doing, at least for now, and you keep telling me... otherwise.
[User Picture]From: [info]floonthego
2008-08-21 10:45 am (UTC)



I...really didn't realize I was doing it. I'm sorry. I'm seem to be saying that a lot. It's just...the kisses, the cuddling, it all confused me. You tell me one thing and do the other. Baby. Please just tell me what to do. to win you back.
[User Picture]From: [info]smethy
2008-08-21 10:49 am (UTC)



I... I know, and I'm deeply sorry for sending out mixed signals. It's just... I knew you wanted us to work again, and I tried, I really tried but. Like I said, it's all on me.

I tried, Jen, I really did.
[User Picture]From: [info]floonthego
2008-08-21 10:53 am (UTC)



I just don't know what to say anymore. I think I'm going to go lay down.
[User Picture]From: [info]smethy
2008-08-21 10:54 am (UTC)



[User Picture]From: [info]floonthego
2008-08-21 10:55 am (UTC)



[User Picture]From: [info]smethy
2008-08-21 10:57 am (UTC)



It's... it's late. Maybe we should just go to bed and cool down. I mean, we've both got busy work days ahead of us.
[User Picture]From: [info]floonthego
2008-08-21 10:58 am (UTC)



What is Smeth? I have the day off tomorrow. It's my scheduled day off.
[User Picture]From: [info]smethy
2008-08-21 11:04 am (UTC)



Wait, I... I just said
It's too late in the night

I'm not going to tell you to stop lying in bed and not eat anything, because that's not my place. I will tell you that I would like it if you wouldn't.

Not only for my concern, but for Estella. I know she's deeply concerned as well.
[User Picture]From: [info]floonthego
2008-08-21 11:07 am (UTC)



I've eaten a half a burger today and fries and a small soda. So don't jump on my case about that. I'm to go lay down because I'm upset and I'm ruining my journal. I doubt I'll sleep but, still.

And as someone who means everything quite a lot to me. You will always have a place in my life and in my heart. This just won't be easy. Just please...maybe do some soul searching of your own tonight?
[User Picture]From: [info]smethy
2008-08-21 11:10 am (UTC)



Jen, you've been one of my best friends since we were little. So of course you'd likewise have a place in my heart as well.

I'll try to get some sleep, but I doubt it.

Good night, Jen.
[User Picture]From: [info]floonthego
2008-08-21 11:11 am (UTC)


Good night.