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Jen Gibbon

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[Jul. 30th, 2010|05:11 pm]
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i feel couped up and like a fat cow. two months and i'm just ready to have her OUT. My back hurts constantly and I'm an emotional wreck, constantly. There's always something in the paper and I vow to not read it but then I do because I'm looking for friends and family who may have passed. This war sucks, to say the least. Time to paint the baby's room and decorate it...if I can stand more than five minutes without my back hurts.

God, I sound so whiny.

And I'm still reeling from Edgar's death. The deaths in my year can't seem to stop. [/ESTELLA]


Counting the days until she comes out...


...When are you coming home?

[User Picture]From: [info]estellerina
2010-08-01 09:36 pm (UTC)




It's hard, but you just have to keep the good memories you have of him alive.
[User Picture]From: [info]floonthego
2010-08-06 05:39 am (UTC)



It's what I keep trying to do. It's just tough. I'm sick of the emotions being on high all the time. How're the boys holding up?
[User Picture]From: [info]chesters
2010-08-02 01:22 am (UTC)


When you stop whining all the time?
Once I've tracked down the guy I'm supposed to---

When I'm finished working. Shouldn't be to much longer.
[User Picture]From: [info]floonthego
2010-08-06 05:38 am (UTC)


Okay, I'll see you when you get home.

I miss you. I sound way too whiny.