Florence Gibbon [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Jen Gibbon

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[Aug. 17th, 2008|02:26 am]
[Current Mood | blank]

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[Aug. 3rd, 2008|02:51 pm]
[Current Mood | apathetic]

So. I sprained my ankle after I tripped over something in my living room last night. It was a hose of some sort and I'm now limping around feeling like an absolute klutz. Doesn't help that I was completely naked at the time and had no one to help me up. I couldn't ask for help for neighbors. How awkward would that be?

I guess things are slowly getting back to normalcy. It's a little weird knowing that Marlie she it's never going to be quite the same without Marlie around but she wouldn't want up moping for weeks afterwards. I'd think she'd want us to move on with our life.

Smeth )

Stell )

That's all we can do.
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Every move you make every step you take I'll be watching you. [Jul. 19th, 2008|02:11 am]
[Current Mood | thoughtful]

Life can give you lemons it's whether or not you choose to learn from it and make lemonade or keep the lemons and make it sour.

Susie )

Smeth )
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[Jul. 12th, 2008|04:13 pm]
[Current Mood | blah]

I'm home. After a whirlwind of events I'm finally home. It feels so odd to be sitting in my old apartment. Which I surprisingly remembered to keep up on just in case something like this did happen. (Go me!) I'm almost missing the beaches of Italy. But not that backstabbing sonofabitch and his new slut. I guess I'll have to pick up where I left off and find a new salon to get a chair in. That shouldn't be too hard. I never stopped working so it's not like I have an entire year of not working on my plate. Which would look bad in any case. Susie, what are you doing for dinner tonight?



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