

Mar. 24th, 2008 | 11:32 am

Name: Carol
Nicknames: Scarol, Cay-Cay
Birthday: August 25th
Age: 16
Sun sign: Virgo
Location: Maine
Martial status: Single
Natural Hair Color: Brown.
Current Hair Color: Black, red, brown, pink, and a few others
Eye color: Different shades of blue, grey, and green.
Height: 5'6"
Weight: MYOB
Siblings: Brother and two sisters
Nieces? Nephews?: A niece and a nephew
Kids of your own?: Six.
In school?: Yup
Job?: Nope
How much money do you make?: $50 a month.
What do you drive?: Yellow porshe 911 turbo with tint, all wheel drive, and a spoiler.


Black and white, or color? Color!
Black or white? Black
Red or blue? Blue
Cats or dogs? Cats
Roses or daisies? Roses
Beer or liquor? Liquor
Boxers or briefs? Boxers
Short or long hair? In the middle
Boots or shoes? Shoes
Mexican or Italian food? Italian.
Dark or light? Light
Day or night? Night
City or country? Country
Solid sheets or animal print sheets? Solid sheets.
Dominant or submissive? Submissive


Color: Crimson
Animal: Black cats
Flower: Butter cups.
Beer: Heiniken
Liquor: Vodka
Soda: Mountain Dew
Food: Anything good.
Book: Twilight
Author: Meyer, Pocoult, King.
Band: My Chemical Romance
CD: Bullets
Director: Many
Country: USA
State: Maine
City: Portland
Extracurricular activity: Reading
Non-alcoholic drink: Energy Drinks
TV show: CSI
Cartoons: Yes.
Day of the week: Tuesday
Month: I like the beginning of June

Do you...

Dye your hair? Yes
Have tattoos? Yes.
Piercings? Yes.
Own a web cam? No
Ever get off on the computer? No.
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Einige
Hablar Espanol? Si!

Have you...

Been in a wreck? Yes.
Been arrested? No.
Stolen a car? Yes.
Stolen anything? Yes.
Smoked? no.
Done pot? Yes.
Been too drunk to remember your name? No.
Been too drunk to care that you'd forgotten your name? no.
Posed for nude pics? No.
Considered a life of crime? Yes, Bonnie and Clyde Style.
Considered prostitution? No.
Maybe a pimp? No.
Been married? No.

The good stuff...

Had sex outdoors? No
What are you listening to? people arguing.
What are you watching? The Computer
What time is it? 11:57
What are you wearing? Hoodie and pants.
Hey baby, nice shoes: Go away.
What are you drinking? Nothing.
Eating? Nothing
Got both hands on the keyboard? Yes
Who are you talking to? No one.
What other windows do you have open? Microsoft photo editor.
How bored are you? not at all.

Simple questions

On a date, would you rather stay home or go to the movies? Movies!
Watch TV or talk on the phone? Both!
Ride a motorcycle, car, or four-wheeler? 911 yellow porche turbo.
Do you go to school? Yes.
Where? F.A.
Do you have friends? Yes.
Are you weird? Yes.
Are you crazy? YUP!
Do you like someone? ... Allabe does.
Have you ever been to a beach? Yes.
Ever been to Hollywood? no
Do you read books? Yes.

Do you sometimes suddenly get urges to...

Fight? Yes. Though it usually ends up with Debora slugging someone.
Slap someone? Yes.
Scream? Many times through out a day.
Kick? No.
Kick someone? No.
Bite yourself? Yes.
Bust something? Yes.
Are you irritable? Sometimes.

Do you enjoy...

Rain? Yes
Snow? Yes.
Tornadoes? Yes.
Hurricanes? Yes.
Singing? Yes.
Talking? Too Much.
Music? Yes.
Do you play an instrument? Harmonica, Accordion, Piano, guitar, drums, flute, recorder, glockenspiel, xylophone, the triangle, and many others.
Do you want to learn? Yes.

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Aren't they cute?

Mar. 23rd, 2008 | 09:42 pm

Hatchlings. )

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Mar. 19th, 2008 | 09:17 am
Location: School Library
Mood: annoyed annoyed
Music: Teenagers - My Chemical Romance

I am grounded until further notice. Or until the end of two weeks. No computer for 1 week. No going anywhere for two (excluding things to do with school).


Mum gave me a list.

I cut it because it is rather lengthy. )

Ah well, life will go on and you can expect more posts like this. We have reason to go to Portland now.

Ah! And notice that my mother didn't acknowlege Us as a plural? -_-

Yup. It wasn't ONLY my fault that we stayed out until ten, without calling, on a school night, woman! I have teenagers in my head that pop up around Tobias&! They are just as much at fault as I am!




Also! Another song that I think fits well with this post!

Teenagers by My Chemical Romance )

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Mar. 11th, 2008 | 04:40 pm
Location: the den
Mood: cheerful cheerful
Music: Liar Liar (Burn In Hell) -The Used

Right. I went to Ms. Smith's office and know exactly what I'm going to take my Junior year.

Junior year:

English III level 2
Latin (This being the reasoning behind the latin bit. I CAN'T READ ANY OF IT!)

Pretty good 'eh?


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We've gone a bit dragon-crazy.

Mar. 10th, 2008 | 04:03 pm

Emmiline's Brood
Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

Carol's Brood
Adopt one today!Adopt one today!
Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

Debora's Eggs
Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

Brood de la Kids
Adopt one today! Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

Ray's Brood
Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

Mylinn's Brood
Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

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Mar. 8th, 2008 | 08:18 pm

Adopt one today!

I got an egg. The kids stole the four Sadie and I got. So I started a new account and this egg is MINE! WHOOT! Thus. Click? Pwease? I'll click yours! ^^

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Click 'em pwease?

Mar. 7th, 2008 | 06:18 pm

DRAGONS!!! Click them? PWEASE??!! )

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Feb. 20th, 2008 | 10:20 pm



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Feb. 9th, 2008 | 08:11 pm

Please comment to be considered and added!

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