Oct. 4th, 2009 | 08:15 pm
Location: Ray's Library
Music: Fuck You - Lily Allen
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Feb. 14th, 2009 | 09:31 am
Location: The den
Music: Fer Sure Maybe - The Medic Droid
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Nov. 6th, 2008 | 09:01 pm
Location: the room
Music: A little peice of heaven - a7x
My mother is... gah!
My MP3 player disappeared. Seriously. I had it in my pocket, I did the laundry, and I can't find it now. I tore up the house looking for it, and it's no where to be found.
Now Mum's telling me that if I can't find it she's not getting me my Christmas present. Okay, lets go back a little bit.
Christmas is a very hard holiday for my parents because with oil and everything it's hard to afford. So I always ask for cheap things of my parents at Christmas so the Giving Tree can give us a hand. This is the first year I've asked for something a little pricey, an acoustic guitar, or else a key board so I can teach myself piano. I've always wanted to play an instrument that didn't sound as strange as the accordion or the glockenspiel..... -_-
I'm not sure if my mother was getting me either of those, but she said quite plainly, "IF YOU CAN'T FIND THAT MP3 PLAYER YOU'RE GOING TO BE VERY DISAPPOINTED AT CHRISTMAS BECAUSE I'M GOING TO TAKE YOUR GIFT BACK!"
I was like, "When am I not disappointed at Christmas?"
And then you know what my mother accused me of? She accused me of losing my MP3 player on purpose.
I've been WANTING a fucking MP3 player for three fucking years! I'm not going to loose the fucking thing on PURPOSE!
You know, actually, my brother was GOING to get me one for Christmas last year. But you know what I got instead? Socks. Why? Because my brother needed to take the MP3 player back so he could get oil for his trailer. I was heart broken. Then when mum came into some money because she canceled my birthday trip to New York she bought me an MP3 player instead.
Not as good but I was still VERY happy. So yeah, I really lost the fucking thing on purpose!
I fucking hate my mother sometimes. I wish I had moved up with Desi, then I wouldn't have to deal with this bull shit. I'd have a real fucking family instead of a responsibility.
Seriously. That's what I have. I have a dad who can't walk, can't hear, and is half blind that I have had to take care of since I was eight. And a mother who's literally too fat to get off her fucking ass and get herself a glass of water at a sink 5 feet away. Is it just me or is my family backwards? Aren't THEY suppose to take care of and support ME?
For fuck sake... I'm done with this bullshit..
My MP3 player disappeared. Seriously. I had it in my pocket, I did the laundry, and I can't find it now. I tore up the house looking for it, and it's no where to be found.
Now Mum's telling me that if I can't find it she's not getting me my Christmas present. Okay, lets go back a little bit.
Christmas is a very hard holiday for my parents because with oil and everything it's hard to afford. So I always ask for cheap things of my parents at Christmas so the Giving Tree can give us a hand. This is the first year I've asked for something a little pricey, an acoustic guitar, or else a key board so I can teach myself piano. I've always wanted to play an instrument that didn't sound as strange as the accordion or the glockenspiel..... -_-
I'm not sure if my mother was getting me either of those, but she said quite plainly, "IF YOU CAN'T FIND THAT MP3 PLAYER YOU'RE GOING TO BE VERY DISAPPOINTED AT CHRISTMAS BECAUSE I'M GOING TO TAKE YOUR GIFT BACK!"
I was like, "When am I not disappointed at Christmas?"
And then you know what my mother accused me of? She accused me of losing my MP3 player on purpose.
I've been WANTING a fucking MP3 player for three fucking years! I'm not going to loose the fucking thing on PURPOSE!
You know, actually, my brother was GOING to get me one for Christmas last year. But you know what I got instead? Socks. Why? Because my brother needed to take the MP3 player back so he could get oil for his trailer. I was heart broken. Then when mum came into some money because she canceled my birthday trip to New York she bought me an MP3 player instead.
Not as good but I was still VERY happy. So yeah, I really lost the fucking thing on purpose!
I fucking hate my mother sometimes. I wish I had moved up with Desi, then I wouldn't have to deal with this bull shit. I'd have a real fucking family instead of a responsibility.
Seriously. That's what I have. I have a dad who can't walk, can't hear, and is half blind that I have had to take care of since I was eight. And a mother who's literally too fat to get off her fucking ass and get herself a glass of water at a sink 5 feet away. Is it just me or is my family backwards? Aren't THEY suppose to take care of and support ME?
For fuck sake... I'm done with this bullshit..
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Jul. 23rd, 2008 | 11:25 am
Location: The Library
We are very excited for September to come. Why?
1). School is starting! School = <3
2). Fall is coming. Favorite season for most here.
3). (best news of all) WE ARE GOING TO NEW YORK!!!
Whewt! We are so frizzled about this! Carol has never been farther than Boston and now we are going to New York for a late b-day present to her.
We are in good spirits. We hope to find you all in similar spirits!
1). School is starting! School = <3
2). Fall is coming. Favorite season for most here.
3). (best news of all) WE ARE GOING TO NEW YORK!!!
Whewt! We are so frizzled about this! Carol has never been farther than Boston and now we are going to New York for a late b-day present to her.
We are in good spirits. We hope to find you all in similar spirits!
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Jul. 17th, 2008 | 11:17 am
So, I know it's been forever since we've posted last. We're sorry. Change of plans for the summer actually. We're going to be back somewhere between the 2ond and 3rd week in August. So We'll be back for Carol's 16th birthday! That's the 25th. SO We'll be updating more often then. ^^
Love you all. Sorry this post is short! ^.^;
Love you all. Sorry this post is short! ^.^;
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New Journal!
May. 10th, 2008 | 03:35 pm
Right then. I think I'm going to get my own journal like Meg did. I post the most on this one so I'm gonna let the others get a word in.
ps. Once my journal is made I will post the link in this post.
ps. Once my journal is made I will post the link in this post.
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May. 6th, 2008 | 08:56 pm
Location: The den
I won the in-class speech contest and got moved up to go against the sophomore class. I presented today and did well in my opinion, better than I thought I'd do.
I was very shaky and my voice trembled too. People got the point though. ^^
I got positive comments from everyone. And some even noted my shaky-ness but they didn't mind much.
Allabe shouldn't have been behind me though because her crush was sitting right in direct view of the podium and was making her nervous, adding to my being nervous.
All in all it went well though. ^^
I was very shaky and my voice trembled too. People got the point though. ^^
I got positive comments from everyone. And some even noted my shaky-ness but they didn't mind much.
Allabe shouldn't have been behind me though because her crush was sitting right in direct view of the podium and was making her nervous, adding to my being nervous.
All in all it went well though. ^^
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May. 4th, 2008 | 01:42 pm
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May. 2nd, 2008 | 07:19 pm
I hate pre-paid credit cards.
That is all.
That is all.
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Apr. 28th, 2008 | 10:30 pm
Meg has her own journal now. It's
spunoutonyou and she's added most of you guys.
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Emmiline person meme
Apr. 27th, 2008 | 03:32 pm
( Emmiline thingy )
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A few eggs and a baby
Apr. 27th, 2008 | 11:34 am
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Apr. 24th, 2008 | 09:51 pm
( Conversation between Meg and I )
Still at Desi's. Going to be home Saturday. Living with her during the summer will be fun. I don't want to go home, though. Thinking about living with Desi and going to the high school up here. It's tempting but, I don't know. I'm hoping this summer I can think about it and decide. Bed now. Nightmares await. Meg's words still sting. Ow. Learning new coping skills will be right around the corner. No more razor blades. I have wine. Stole it from our Ray. I'll be in the garden if you visit.
Still at Desi's. Going to be home Saturday. Living with her during the summer will be fun. I don't want to go home, though. Thinking about living with Desi and going to the high school up here. It's tempting but, I don't know. I'm hoping this summer I can think about it and decide. Bed now. Nightmares await. Meg's words still sting. Ow. Learning new coping skills will be right around the corner. No more razor blades. I have wine. Stole it from our Ray. I'll be in the garden if you visit.
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Apr. 6th, 2008 | 01:27 pm
Ok. This is really starting to piss me off. Is anyone familiar with the The Keisha'ra Series? More importantly does anyone know how to find the characters full names? Like Hai's or Danica's?
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Apr. 3rd, 2008 | 07:04 pm
Location: Home
Music: CSI
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Apr. 3rd, 2008 | 06:08 pm
Location: Home
Music: Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
Got our hair done.
We'll se if Daddy August or Sadie will take pictures!
We'll se if Daddy August or Sadie will take pictures!
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Policy thingy
Mar. 31st, 2008 | 07:54 pm
1. Ask us if you want to copy/paste. Surveys don't count. We generally don't mind unless it's something personal.
2. We do not like the drama llama. Please don't start it with us. We are neutral territory. Switzerland if you will. Flist members having fights will be ignored. No sides will be taken. Thnx.
3. We do not care if people talk about us. It is only human nature, people are bound to talk. Point: We don't want to know who's talking about us. plz n thnx.
4. We are a good spirited people. We don't make harsh remarks. We tease, yes. But we aren't mean. We'd like the same courtesy.
5. Do not make racist/sexist remarks toward us please? I mean, we don't mind the occasional 'Women/men' or 'dude, this black guy was weird!' But saying things like, 'Christians need to die'. Well, we respect your opinion, we'd just rather not hear it. You can post about it in your journals or whatever, just keep it out of our comment boxes and things thanks.
That's about it. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask!
2. We do not like the drama llama. Please don't start it with us. We are neutral territory. Switzerland if you will. Flist members having fights will be ignored. No sides will be taken. Thnx.
3. We do not care if people talk about us. It is only human nature, people are bound to talk. Point: We don't want to know who's talking about us. plz n thnx.
4. We are a good spirited people. We don't make harsh remarks. We tease, yes. But we aren't mean. We'd like the same courtesy.
5. Do not make racist/sexist remarks toward us please? I mean, we don't mind the occasional 'Women/men' or 'dude, this black guy was weird!' But saying things like, 'Christians need to die'. Well, we respect your opinion, we'd just rather not hear it. You can post about it in your journals or whatever, just keep it out of our comment boxes and things thanks.
That's about it. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask!