02:04pm 23/11/2008
mood: accomplished
music: L'Arc~en~Ciel - "瞳の住人"
so... yesterday only got more and more kick ass after i typed that other entry. i got home, typed an entry, then got a call from my friend aaron... i haven't seen that kid (who is actually older than me) since like june or july or some shit. so i went over to his fancy new apartment and he showed me around (he was still living with his parents last time we were talking) and all that stuff, and then we made spaghetti (i mostly just got in the way, because that's what i do when i'm in a kitchen with anyone else) and watched iron man. i fucking love that movie.

so after the movie it was getting pretty late and i decided to take my leave... then sharra texted me while i was driving home talking about how she wanted to make a pie, and obviously i would have to go over and help (get in the way). we went to the grocery store to buy stuff and soon got to the business of making delicious apple pie. from scratch. then i was over there till about 3am waiting for pie...

okay, it doesn't matter how tired you are; 3am pie is a wonderful idea. always.

...then i woke up at 1pm or so. yeaaaaaaaa.

and it's official: rhode island has the worst drivers in the country. that's not my opinion or experience; history channel just told me so. i'll believe it.
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