it is funny because wang means penis   
11:50pm 26/11/2008
mood: content
music: 天野月子 - "砂糖水"
things have been pretty awesome lately. but today felt a lot like a saturday. oh wait, maybe that's cause there was no school. fuck yea. 8D

so of course, i went to [info]luvotomy's house today and we finally finished silent hill 4. it was pretty epic, even though we got the crappy crappy ending. (what is it like to be a doublecrap??) then we finally beat that asshole tutor guy in rule of rose... and then promptly got stuck at another boss and gave up again. XD yea, that's how we roll.

i've been watching the crap out of those yu-gi-oh abridged videos, also.

and there's a new furnace in my house. did i mention that already? cause i'm warm and it's awesome. excuse me, please, while i go not freeze to death. ^_^

comfort is not a mood, apparently, so content will have to do.
