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Tamara Blaire

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Guess who's back? (test post) [23 Mar 2010|12:40am]
"Thanks for the ride," Tamara said, slipping the driver his fare before climbing out of the taxi cab. She grabbed her suitcase out of the trunk and made her way to the front door of Xavier's Institute.

She had called the other day to tell them that she was coming back. Give them time to let them know that they'd need to find a free bed to put her. Tamara wasn't picky. If she got her old room back, great. If not, she didn't care as long as she had somewhere to crash at night.

When she reached the door, she pressed the buzzer to let them know that she there.
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[12 Mar 2010|12:56am]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
Email: fireflydreams01@yahoo.com
AIM (if you have one): awesomelymusical or hearts0fwinter
Character Name: Tamara Anne Blair
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]glinting
Physical description (face, build, weight): About 5'7", 130 lbs, slender build, blonde hair, blue eyes.
Age: 19
Birthday: July 4th
PB: Sara Paxton
-Can harden light into weapons, namely daggers, swords, wipes, spikes, and shards to throw. Can also create globes of light.
-Can create globes darkness to wrap around her enemies heads so they can't see.
-Minor probability manipulation
Weaknesses and flaws:
Harder for her to manipulate light to create weapons in complete pitch black darkness. Also, her probability manipulation is only useful when she is unconscious, and is very weak compared to her fathers. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, and most of the time, she doesn't even know when she's doing it, as it only works when she's knocked out.
Character location/Home: Returning briefly Xavier's. Then Excalibur.
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Longshot (father), Alison Blaire/Dazzler (mother), Carter Blaire (grandfather, deceased), Katherine Blaire-Brown (grandmother), Nicholas Brown (step-grandfather), Loris London (aunt), Shatterstar (possible brother)
Backstory: Tamara was born to Longshot and Alison Blaire, and was their second attempt at having a child, as Alison had miscarried when previously pregnant. During the time that she was pregnant with Tamara, Alison was extremely careful, stepping away from her duties on the X-Men to lessen the risk of another miscarriage. When Tamara was born, Longshot and Alison acted as part-time members of the X-Men, focusing on raising their daughter. As the family lived not too far from Xavier's, Tamara grew up knowing most of the X-Men and their children.

When Tamara was thirteen, her powers began to manifest, when she suddenly found that she was able to manipulate the light from the lamps in her bedroom and turn it into small globes of light. Her parents petioned Xavier for her to attend the Institute, and she was soon accepted into the school, where she learned to further develop her powers, and bonded with some of the students her age.

After graduating, Tamara enrolled in ESU, with declaring herself as undecided, as she was unsure of the career path that she wanted to take. Though she truly enjoyed some aspects of campus life, and actually got along with her roommate, Tamara felt as if she wasn't ready for college just yet. Though her parents weren't very happy with her choice, she decided to taken the semester off, and has returned to Xaiver's to clear her head and possibly join the X-Men.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Returning to Xavier's for a short period of time. Then she will be joining Excalibur.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Shenanigans with Excalibur.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Having never been to the UK before to start with, it'll be interesting to see how Tamara adjusts to being in a new country. In addition to moving to another country, this will also be the first real time that Tamara has really been on a superhero team, having never really actively joined the X-Men when she was at the Institute. I'm looking forward to seeing how she adjusts to everything.

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