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lord geoffrey hooper!

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july 7th, 1997 [07 Mar 2008|02:53pm]
I would have to say that waiting for A-level results is worse than waiting to take the A-levels themselves. What if you don't earn your projected scores? What if you lose your place at uni because of it? This is a nightmare.
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june 19th, 1997 [19 Feb 2008|10:17pm]
Greetings, Hogwarts.

My dodgeball injury is turning yellow. That means it's healing, yeah? I am glad for the school and the Bard's sake that I was backstage doing hair instead of on stage. I believe Macbeth was a success, if only because no one was crushed by a falling light or accidentally stabbed for real with a prop sword. We can all agree that arming Crabbe and Goyle was a very risky choice. Bravo, team.
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june 5th, 1997 [05 Feb 2008|10:50pm]
In case any authority figures are launching some kind of investigation, I believe it's best to point out that on the night on February 2nd, 1997 I had nothing to drink but seltzer water. Any strange behavior is accountable to the stress of our upcoming sporting event on my person. I am an honest man. There is no need to discuss the matter further. You're welcome to search the dormitory search my personal belomgings question me in person if there is any doubt. Yes. That is all.
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may 20th, 1997 [21 Jan 2008|12:30am]
In times like these I believe everyone ought to have their say, but right now I haven't got anything to say.

I guess Macbeth is going well. I'm impressed by the crew's attention to historical accuracy with the weaponry and I am going to ask if I can keep a sword when it's over.
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may 14th, 1997 [15 Jan 2008|12:55am]
Well. Well. I don't believe there are proper words but if any Gryffindors are without someone to sit with, I am here.
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