27 March 2008 @ 10:34 am

27 March 2008 @ 10:39 am
Hello and thanks for looking at [info]ibook! If you're here, then you might be wondering why you should join. While [info]ibook seems to be no different than every other celeb community out there, be sure that we're striving to bring you the best RP experience we can. We here want to create a fun, active community, and for that reason, we have a few ideas that we want to focus on.
Activity. Above all, keeping active with the community is what keeps everything going. If you like to join, post when you're supposed to, and otherwise stay by the sidelines, then perhaps this community is not for you. We like to see activity in all forms. The update limit is four weeks but it doesn't mean you can't post more often.
Friendly and welcoming. We want to create an environment that is open and friendly for all kinds of characters. We also want to stress that newbies to celebing or RP are completely and totally welcome, as well as people who'd like to try their hand at new celebs. We're here to help if you need it.
Maturity and realism. We're all about fun here, but we also want to see people that are taking their characters different places while staying grounded in their celeb's history. We want people who are focused on characterization and their writing rather than someone who has OOC ties, or someone who's cropping their icons according to the latest trends. If you want to play anonymously, that is perfectly acceptable.
Writing quality. As above, RP should not be about OOC connections, or popularity. People who are serious about playing their characters will find themselves at home here. We'd prefer to see someone with a great style, personality, and writing than someone who can make sparkly layouts.
Variety. The spice of life. Characters from all corners of the industry are welcome, as long as they are defined as "celebrities," and are famous for their career. We like to see models, musicians, series creators, and directors just as much as we like to see the typically-played television and movie actors. Older celebs, and lesser known ones are welcomed with open arms.
Fun and creativity. All comms are not the same, but sometimes they can blur together. We can't claim that we're going to be radically different, but we're committed to creating an easygoing and fun playground for characters. We also like to see something different, something new to make things interesting and keep them that way. That's why we'll always be working on new games and activities to get people talking.
Flexibility. We know that you have lives outside of the game, and even other communities, so you won't see us cracking whips all over the place. We're laid-back people ourselves, so if nothing's dramatic, and everything's going smoothly, we'll be smooth, dig it?

So what's different about this community? We have a few ideas to instill a fresh, new feeling to your role-play community, and bring members together. After all, the community is as much the members' as it is the mod's, so we are excited to encourage member-run activities and subcommunities for others to share in. And as well, these are all completely optional.

Update challenges. Ever been stuck on an entry before, and you want to post, asking people for ideas? Look no further! Every so often, we will post several prompts to get you thinking. If you've written an entry on one of our update challenges, comment with a link to it in our post, and you'll have the opportunity to get it featured as an example of great writing!
Character biographies. Sometimes it's tough to remember who everyone is, or to look new people up. So we've started character biographies to make it easy for everyone to get a handle on your celeb, and how you play them. We've created an easy-to-use template to get all new members started with a biography once they join.
Chats. There will be community-wide chats on a semi-regular basis, days and times to be announced. Participation is not mandatory, but highly encouraged. There is no better way to start talking to new people than chat rooms!
Private and filtered entries. There's absolutely no reason your character has to post something viewable by all IC. Instead of many customary filters, you can post a "private" or "filtered" entry - labeled with a [private] or [filtered to ___] tag in some way - that can still be read by members. For example, your character could have handwritten a note to self, or maybe there's a text-message conversation between two characters. Scenes and such are acceptable as being "private," but please don't go overboard.
Seasonal/yearly activities. To get everyone in the spirit of things, we're going to create activities around different holidays. You might see flash christmas tree around Christmastime, or rampant Valentinr buttons in February. Games to be announced.