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ღ☆moving back maybe™☆ღ

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-&& eleven ღツ [28 Mar 2008|11:30am]
Friday Five:

1. What have you sold? Um, I've only ever really sold things like in a garage sale, or old video games/my PS2 because I never played or used them.

2. What do you want to change? Things that I have wrong with my personality, like flaws or things I don't react the right way to because I'm really emotional. That and my weight. For serious. Need to not be so fat anymore. D:

3. What does your answering machine / voice mail message say? "Hey everyone, it's me Melissa, I'm either at work, in class or hanging out with my friends... or forgot to turn my phone back onto ring after I left class so it's still on silent, so leave me a message and I'll get back to you soon." Something along those lines at least.

4. Where did you go to school? Our Lady of Sorrows for Elementary. Novi Middle School. Novi High School. Now I'm at Schoolcraft College and eventually transferring to GrandValley. : D

5. Friday fill-in:
If you'd like to reach me, ______.  
If you'd like to reach me, then ask for my phone number or email address. Lol.
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