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Tracey Davis.

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oo4. [Mar 25th, 5:56am]
Private to Theodore )

What is everyone's favorite lollies? Or chocolate even?
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oo3. [Mar 19th, 9:05pm]
Not long now till the holidays commence.

It seems a large majority of the student body has chosen to stay on campus for the duration of the christmas break. Should prove to be interetsing to say the least.

Oh FUCK. Christmas Presents.

What does everybody want?

Private to Theodore )

Private to Daphne )

Private to Pansy )
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oo2. [Mar 5th, 5:09am]
Things have been awfully boring around here to say the least.

I mean; apart from the vicious attempts at Quidditch, What is everyone doing?

And when I say everyone; I actually just mean people who are worth my time.

Private to Theodore )

Private to Baddock )

Is anybody excited about Christmas at all?
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[Feb 22nd, 5:04am]
Private to Daphne )

Has anyone seen my gold-plated quill? I swear I left it in the Common Room.

Or perhaps it was in the Study Hall.

Any information would be well appreciated..
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LOCKED. to read; join riddikulus. [Feb 22nd, 5:01am]

twisting & turning, your feelings are burning.. your breaking the girl. )

& you can't be close enough unless i'm hearing your heartbeat. )
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