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Justin Rhodes

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A question [21 Sep 2011|09:28pm]
Everything was ready for tonight. Tina would be here any time now and Justin couldn't wait to see her. He checked on his surprise one last time and smiled.

Tonight would be perfect. The rest of the team was out of the building and Tina would be here with him. He needed her.

He understood that now.

When she arrives, she'll find him dressed in tuxedo with his favorite watch, the one she fixed for him, on his wrist.

"Hey, baby. I missed you." Justin says.
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Late Year Character Round-Up [28 Aug 2010|12:34pm]
Justin: This guy has really grown on me over the last few months since I've gotten to know him better. Justin is fiercely protective of his family members and is in love with Christina Frost. Finding out about what she really does for a living, as well as the horror she was put through in her youth, has been hard for Justin: if the people responsible weren't already dead, he'd kill them himself. His heart is still a major issue, and that's going to be dealt with very soon.

Needs to Happen: Justin and Misha are going to go up against Weapon X, which will aggravate Justin's heart condition. I'd like to see him develop a closer relationship with Tony, which may happen if this Force Works idea Dylan has discussed comes together.

Plots: Weapon X Plot, various.

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Character Roundup [10 Mar 2010|08:50pm]
Looking at the state of my characters so far, there's a lot to be done.

Julian: Julian's was conceived as a villain, but there are already some signs that X-Factor could change that for him. I'd like to see both of his parents come into play in his deciding which way he'll ultimately go. Magneto is his father, but he doesn't really know his father, except from how people perceive him. Meanwhile, everything in life he knows, he's learned from his mother, which is a bad thing.  He's protective of his family, which may end up including X-Factor.

I'd also like to see him make his bid for leadership in the Hellfire Club, or even start his own branch of the Club with the descendants of their children.

Needs to happen:  Get more involved with X-Factor, choose a side, go for broke.

Plots: Anything with X-Factor, maybe some visits with other characters.

Joey:  Joey is probably one of my favorite characters to play just because of his mindframe. He's always looking for an angle or a mark, but I think hanging out at Xavier's is starting to rub off on him. He has a few friends, and he likes Rose beyond that, which conflicts with his original, "get in, speak to Professor X, get out" plan. His friend Foxx (actually Mystique) is still out there, and Joey could wander into the Independent scene looking to make a quick buck or two under the table.

I'd like to explore his past a bit more, and touch on his relation to another of my characters, Avery.

Needs to happen: Get involved with the Rose/Rachel/Sinister Plot, find out about his mother and where he comes from.

Plots: Sinister, maybe something with the X-Men

: One of the new guys on the block, I'm still getting a feel for who Justin is. He already feels insanely out of place in this new world, and he really wants to get back home. Finding out that his home is gone will be hard for him, but he'll find a way to soldier up. Also, the issue of his heart not being able to stand the armor for long periods will frustrate him. I hope to see him either find a way to live with his limitations or exceed them.

He'll be on the Avengers for awhile, at least, but I could easily see him going to learn about this new world and ending up almost anywhere.

Needs to happen:  Getting adjusted to the new world, learning that he can never go home, finding a way to deal with his disability

Plots: None currently.

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Sample Scene [15 Feb 2010|05:24pm]

The two iron men ran through the Thunderbolts complex, batting aside guards as they ran. Iron Man stopped, lifted both hands, and fired a twin repulsor blast at a nearby Bio-Sentinel, cleanly severing both its arms from its body. The cyborg kept coming, however, and Iron Man readied himself for the charge.


War Machine lifted an arm, and fired a mini-rocket at the Sentinel. The rocket crashed into the cybernetic monstrosity and slammed it through a wall, showing pieces of flesh and metal about the area.


“Show off.” Jim Rhodes says, looking to War Machine.


“Mom says I get it from you and Uncle Tony.” Justin replies, grinning beneath the helmet.


“Where did she say you got your smart mouth from?” Jim asks.


“Oh, she takes full credit for that one.” Justin retorts.


“Thought so.” Iron Man says, firing up his thrusters and heading skyward.  Justin follows him easily, the armored suit following his mental commands. The new interface he and Dad worked on was going well, and improved his reaction time, but Justin still felt it could be faster. If only there was a way to link the armor directly to his nervous system and neural synapses, it would improve his reaction time even more, and cut precious seconds off all the speed and maneuvering trials they constantly put the armors through.


Dad said Uncle Tony was working on something like that before he died, but the project information was password locked and encrypted. They’d have to figure out something on their own.


The pair landed at the edge of the cliff that the base was built into, and found themselves standing besides the remaining Avengers...


…and directly into the face of Norman Osborn, the Thunderbolts, every registered mutant and hero they’d gained over the last few years, and no less than twelve OsCorp Sentinels.

Osborn smiled like the cat that ate the canary. “You can all lay down your weapons and register, and nothing further needs to happen. Rhodes, you’ll even get your wife back in one whole piece.”


Justin raised an arm, a small-calibun automatic gun rose from the back of his gauntlet. A red dot from the laser-targeting reticule appeared on Norman’s forehead.


“Counter-offer.” War Machine snapped back.  “You surrender, give back Mrs. Rhodes, and you’ll live to see trial.”


“Justin…” Jim said, keeping his eyes on Osborn.


“Thunderbolts, if War Machine doesn’t lower his arm in five seconds, attack. Venom, you have my permission to eat him.” Norman says. Venom drools at the prospect, staring hard at War Machine.

Justin’s arm doesn’t move a fraction of an inch.


“Five.” Osborn says, counting down.


“War Machine, stand down.” Iron Man says.



“War Machine. Stand. Down.” Iron Man commands.


At three, the red target vanishes from Osborn’s forehead as Justin lowers his arm.


Osborn smiles again.

“Next time you have someone dead to rights, son,  take the shot. Might be the last chance you get.” Norman says.


“Thunderbolts…kill them all.” Norman commands. 

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