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Sindella Zatara

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[12 Jan 2013|06:11pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
Email: On file
AIM (if you have one): Also on file
Character Name: Sindella Zatara
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]iseedeadpeople
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'8, 136 lbs, black hair, blue eyes.
Age: 19
Birthday: October 31st
Codename (if using one): None. As a nod to her mother, she simply uses her first name as her "stage handle".
PB: Ksenia Solo
Abilities: Sindella is a memeber of the Homo Magi race, on both of her parents sides. She has had the potential to be a great member of the Homo Magi ever since she was a little girl. Sindella tapped into her power when she was thirteen years old, when she was messing around with talking backwards, and turned on the lights in a pitch black room. The backwards speech is Sindella's main means of spell-casting, though through her mother's tutelage, she is able to teleport and grant herself the ability to fly through magic without using the backward speech. Her abilities will only grow with time and study. Sindella has also been trained in stage magic by her mother, though at this time, she does not wish to pursue a career in it.

Like her father, Sindella's blood also has a demonic taint to it, hers inherited through John. Her blood has been shown to have heal properties, and has a bitter taste to it, which could be used as a defense mechanism against vampires and other blood-thirsty demons.

Through a curse placed on by Lucifer when she was four years old, Sindella is able to communicate with the dead. Sindella's mind acts as a connection for the spirits of the dead to "talk" with her. While she has more control over this ability now, as Sindella finds the various spirits that float through her mind interesting and will occasionally ask for their advice in a tight situation, she often appears to be talking to herself. If anyone finds out about this power, Sindella can not deny them the request to communicate with a deceased loved one. If a spirit's soul is still imprinted on Earth (i.e: A ghost, ala Deadman), Sindella can see them as well).
Weaknesses and flaws: As she speaks backwards to cast her spells, Sindella requires a certain amount of concentration on her magic to make sure that she is casting the proper spell. At this time, she is most vulnerable, making her easier to attack. If her opponent is at a higher skill level than she is, the chances of Sindella winning or casting a spell to affect a higher-level magician is difficult to near impossible, depending on the situation.

As Sindella never knows when her curse is going to "flare up", she could be in the middle of a battle and then suddenly have a spirit enter her head and start talking to her, throwing her concentration. Also, if a spirit that enters her head is one of a very strong magician, it is possible for them to take over Sindella's mind without much of a struggle from her, depending on how they go about it.

Character location/Home: Gotham City/Shadowcrest mansion
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): John Constantine (father, current status unknown), Zatanna Zatara (mother, living), Tefe Holland (half-sister, living), Thomas Constantine (paternal grandfather, deceased), Mary Anne Constantine (paternal grandmother, deceased), Giovanni "John" Zatara (maternal grandfather, deaceased), Sindella Zatara (maternal grandmother, deceased), Tony Masters (paternal uncle, living), Cheryl Masters (paternal aunt, living), Gemma Masters (paternal first-cousin, status unknown), Zachary Zatara (maternal second-cousin, living).
Backstory: It is no secret that John Constantine and Zatanna Zatara have been known to share a sexual relationship from time to time. In one of these encounters, a child was conceived, a daughter, Sindella, named for Zatanna's late mother. Though Zatanna told John that she was pregnant, the two agreed that it was best that Zatanna raise the baby as a single parent, as John was a man with many enemies, and those close to him in the past had paid for his mistakes. Zatanna did not tell anyone who the father of her child was, with the exception of a couple JLA members that she was close too, and they were sworn never to tell anyone. While John sent Zatanna money to help with anything that she needed for Sindella (though there was really no need to, Zatanna being a famous magician and pretty well off), he otherwise did not keep in contact with his daughter and Sindella did not know who her father was.

When Sindella was four years old, she was kidnapped and taken to hell by Lucifer, who John had angered (what he did to make him angry to this day, no one is really sure of). Lucifer, who wanted to hurt John, took his daughter and planned to make him her protege. John and Zatanna, with the help of Jason Blood were able to go to hell and rescue Sindella from Lucifer's clutches. While the three of them were able to overpower Lucifer and free Sindella, it was not without cost, as Lucifer left a curse on Sindella, that her mind would forever be a link with the spirits of the dead. Zatanna was able to repress Sindella's memories of the incident using her magic (not wanting her daughter to be haunted by what she saw in hell), but she was not able to rid her of the curse. Sindella was taken out of school, and Zatanna homeschooled her daughter.

While Sindella has learned to live her curse, it is hard for her to make friends, as she never knows when it's going to "flare up". She is however, rather close to Mike Blood, and considers him to be like an older brother. Recently, she has been recruited to Shadowpact as a junior member.
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